ID: 21417842


日期:2024-10-10 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:405256B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年人教版七年级上册英语期中专题训练∶单项选择题 1.There is _____ “f” and _____ “u” in the word “fruit”.; an B.a; a C.a; an; a 2.—Nice to meet you. — _____ A.Nice to meet you. B.Good morning. C.I’m OK. D.Nice to meet you, too. 3.—How is your day —_____. A.That’s for sure B.It’s OK C.See you D.Thank you 4.—Does Tom look the same _____ Mary —No. They are different _____ each other.; to; from; with D.from; from 5.—Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you. —Hi, Lucy. _____. A.Fine, thank you B.Nice to meet you, too C.Good morning D.How do you do 6.—It’s time _____ class. —OK. Let’s _____. A.for; going B.for; go; go; going 7.Andrew King is _____ cousin. A.Sam and Nancy B.Sam and Nancy’s C.Sam’s and Kate’s D.Sam and Nancys 8.— Hello, boys and girls! I’m your new teacher. _____ — Nice to meet you, too. A.Nice to meet you. B.What’s your name C.Good morning. D.How are you 9.—Good afternoon, Tony. How are you —_____. A.Good morning B.Nice to meet you C.Good afternoon D.Fine, thanks 10.— Hello! How are you — A.Who are you B.I am fine, thank you. And you C.How do you do D.Nice to meet you. 11.“中国人民解放军”的缩写是 _____。 A.CD B.PRC C.PLA D.UN 12. It’s 8:00. It’s time _____ school. B.for C.with 13.—You have a nice house! Whose room is this — It’s _____. A.Jack and Peter’s B.Jack’s and Peter’s C.Jack’s and Peter D.Jack and Peter 14.—How _____ apple trees _____ you see in the picture —I can see eleven. A.many; can B.much; do C.many; does D.much; can 15.—_____ Jenny’s brother like playing basketball —Yes. He _____ playing basketball very much. A.Do; like B.Are; likes C.Is; like D.Does; likes 16.—_____ it going with you, Rick —Not bad. A.How B.What C.How’s D.What’s 17.—Would you like to go with us —_____. A.OK, I’d love B.I would like C.Yes, I like D.Yes, I’d love to 18.—Our family are traveling to Germany for the Beer Festival. — _____ A.Congratulations! B.See you later! C.Take care! D.Have fun! 19.I can’t _____ my eraser. Where is it A.find B.keep C.wait D.put 20.与单词“eye”同音的字母是_____。 A.Rr B.Ii C.Tt D.Aa 21.—Hi, Jane, this is my sister, Kate. Kate, this is my friend, Jane. —_____ A.Nice to meet you, Jane. B.Good morning, Jane. C.How are you D.I’m fine, thank you! 22.The children have fun _____ soccer after school every day. play B.playing D.plays 23.一Do you want tea or coffee 一_____. Can you give me a glass of water A.None B.Either C.Neither D.All 24.—How do you spell “egg” —_____. A.E-G-G B.Nice to meet to you C.Have a good day D.Happy birthday 25.如果你想买一个小号的衣服, 你需要找到 _____ 号。 A.S B.M C.L D.SL 26.下列哪个选项中的所有字母有共同发音 A.F, K, M B.A, H, L C.J, N, X D.E, T, V 27.—Hello, I’m Gina! —_____. A.Hi, Gina! I’m Alan. B.Goo ... ...

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