ID: 21418377

Unit 1 Back to school 单元知识回顾 课件(共9页)+导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:95次 大小:4263437B 来源:二一课件通
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    UNIT 1 单元知识回顾  Ⅰ.默写词块 一、教材词块默写 1.senior high school高中 ways of thinking新的思维方式 3.most importantly 最重要的是 4.medical advance 医学上的进步 5.over the next three years在今后的三年里 6.make the most of our school resources 充分利用我们学校的资源 7.take an active part in different sports 积极参加各种体育活动 of equal importance同样重要 9.balance your schoolwork with other activities 平衡你的学业和其他活动 10.develop your character培养你的性格 11.a lovely host family一个亲切友好的寄宿家庭 12.put the parts together把部件拼在一起 13.make a great contribution作出很大贡献 14.give me lots of encouragement 给我许多鼓励 15.lots of options很多的选择 16.attract me most最吸引我 二、讲解词块默写 1.the focus of attention关注的焦点 2.base our choices on our interest 根据我们的兴趣来做出选择 3.remind me to turn off the lights提醒我关灯 4.with the aim of experiencing the hardships of the farmers为了体验农民们的艰辛 a result of his great carelessness 由于他的粗心大意 6.stick to their promise遵守他们的诺言 ideas with others与其他人交流想法 8.ask in alarm惊恐地问 9.made a great contribution to the society为社会作出了很大的贡献 10.attract the teacher’s attention引起老师的注意 Ⅱ.完成句子/一句多译 1.Even better, the device knows who I am, what I like, and what I have already read.(what引导多个并列的宾语从句) 更妙的是,这个设备了解我是什么样的人、喜欢什么内容、以及已经看过了哪些内容。 2.It is important for you to write your reports clearly.(it is+adj.+for sb to do sth) 对你们来说清楚地写出你们的报告很重要。 3.Of equal importance are the benefits they get from learning. (完全倒装) 同样重要的还有他们从学习中得到的好处。 4.Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.(动名词短语作主语) 早晨大声朗读英文会给你带来许多好处。 5.I like it so much that I will treasure it forever.(so...that...) 我太喜欢它了,我会永远珍惜它的。 6.I found this advice surprisingly useful and easy to follow.(find的复合结构) 我发现这个建议有着惊人的用处,而且易于执行。 7.我们大家都知道,地球是圆的。(as) →As we all know, the earth is round. →As is known to us all, the earth is round. Ⅲ.语法填空———核心考点语境串记 As we all know, high school life is not easy for each student. You will meet a lot of challenges. Here are some tips for you to lead 1.a happy and meaningful life. There are various amazing 2.resources(resource) in your school and you’d better try to make the most of 3.them(they) to realize your potential. Make every effort to get over difficulties and seize every opportunity to improve your ability. The more knowledge you acquire,the 4.more confidence(confidence) you will have. Try to be an 5.independent(independence) and responsible person. In class you’d better focus 6.on your lessons and try to find an efficient method. After class you’d better do some regular exercise,for health is of equal 7.importance(important) to you. You can take part in some clubs in 8.which you can improve your character in your f ... ...

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