ID: 21428916

Module 5 Lao She Teahouse.Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera课件(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-11-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:90次 大小:4641618B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 京剧脸谱:Beijing Opera Facial Masks 红色--忠贞,英勇 蓝色--表刚强,骁勇,有心计 黑色--正直,无私,刚直不阿 白色--阴险,疑诈 绿色--顽强,暴躁 黄色--枭勇,凶猛 金,银色--各种神怪 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. 1.To understand a conversation with infinitives(v.+to do) 2.To learn some key words and useful expressions : end, in the end, teahouse, offer, actress, no idea, 3.To listen for specific information 4.To use infinitives(v.+to do) to talk about sb's plan. Learning aims Betty from the US was interested in Chinese traditional opera but she had n__ i___ about it. Lingling o____ to take her to a famous t_____. Betty plans to see famous actors and a_____ there and hope to have a good time i_____ in that teahouse. eahouse ffers o dea ctresses story time n the end Which teahouse will they go How much do you know about Lao She Guess Shu Qingchun Lao She/ She Yu A famous play writer listening 1. What is Lao She teahouse 2. What does Lingling think of the story Listen and answer You can_____ at the same time. It's _____ to understand. quite difficult listen to the Beijing Opera and drink tea eat delicious Beijing food talk with friends Lao She Teahouse drink tea enjoy plays see the Beijing Opera Pair work A:What would you like to do in the teahouse B: I ... What do you want to do A: I ... drink tea eat delicious Beijing food talk with friends enjoy plays see the Beijing Opera ...... Who Betty and Lingling Where Lao She Teahouse When Last _____ What We 1._____ and 2._____ How It was ____ but difficult to understand. Listen and complete the table night drank tea watched an opera great 1. How long did they stay in the end A.For an hour. B.For three hours. C.For two hours. 2. Does Betty know Lao She A.Yes, she doese. B.No, she doesn't. C.We don't know. 3.Why did Lingling take Betty to Lao She Teahouse A.Because it's chep. B.Because it's famous. Listen and choose to see to take to understand to watch to understand Tips:1 V + to do 2 It is + adj + to do Read and fill in the blanks Betty wanted the Beijing opera so Lingling offered her there. It is difficult the words. They planned for an hour, but in the end , they stayed for three hours. Betty hoped more next time. Enjoying yourself is the main thing! Retall Make a plan in groups Where do you plan to go How do you decide to go What do you want to do there What do your parents agree to do What do you hope to do Summary Lao She Lao She's work teahouse Lao She Teahouse end, in the end, teahouse, offer, actress, no idea words v.+to do infinitives 1.Finish your plan if you haven't finished it yet. 2.Try to read and listen to the conversation for 15 minutes. Try your best to recite the conversation if possible(optional). 3. Finish Exercise Book (1) M5U1. Homework

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