ID: 21430579


日期:2024-10-23 科目:班会 类型:高中课件 查看:58次 大小:44594229B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 好柿成 喜从天 霜降。 The Frost descends. 暮秋,天寒水冷。 Late autumn, cold weather and cold water. 月下旬,已过既望。 Late October, already past the point of view. 秋露成霜,遍渚芦白。 Autumn dew into frost, all over the table. 菊黄,荷败,風清,云淡。 Chrysanthemum yellow, lotus defeat, wind clear, cloud light. 朱颜辞镜去,雪雁送信归。 Zhu Yan resigned from the mirror to go, the snow geese sent letters back. 山河已故,岁月忽晚。 Mountains and rivers are dead, time is late. 明日,霜降。 Tomorrow, frost falls. 目录 CONTENTS At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky (月落乌啼霜满天) Frost's Descent · Folk custom (霜降·民俗) Frost's descent · Whisper (霜降·絮语) 01 02 03 (月落乌啼霜满天) At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky PART 01 This is a beautiful legend from the "Frost's descent" : It is said that the green woman, who is in charge of frost and snow, will come to earth every September 14th and play the lyre on the top of the Green Want Mountain. With the music slowly out, the frost flowers float down together, cleaning everything in the world. In the thousands of years since then, whenever people see frost descending on the earth, they will know: the last solar term of autumn, that is, frost descending. 这是一个源于“霜降”的美丽传说: 据说掌管霜雪的青女,每逢九月十四就会来到人间,在青要山顶峰上,弹奏七弦琴。随着乐声徐徐而出,霜花一起飘飘而下,荡涤世间万物。 此后的千年之间,每当人们看到霜降大地,就会知道:秋天的最后一个节气,也就是霜降到了。 01 At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky (月落乌啼霜满天) Frost, "the Reeds green, white dew for frost", the earth such as the old man's temples, a gray. The frost, however, is the most beautiful time of the year. Walking in the mountains, look up, layer upon layer of forest, showing different levels of color. 霜降,“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜”,大地如老人的两鬓,一片斑白。然而霜降,又是一年当中最美的时节。漫步于山野当中,抬起头来,层层叠叠的山林,显出不同层次的色彩。 After the wind and frost, the trees are so solemn, deep and subtle, and even every leaf has become mature and elegant. "Frost leaves red in February flowers," that red, straight to the heart, like fire. 经过风霜后的林木,是那样的庄重、深沉和含蓄,甚至每一片树叶,都变得成熟而优雅。“霜叶红于二月花”,那种红,直往心里去,像火一样。 01 At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky (月落乌啼霜满天) The path in the forest is covered with fallen leaves, so that every step is like whispering with the earth. At this moment, you will feel truly integrated with nature, you are a tree growing out of the soil. Through the storm, through the wind and the frost. 林间的小道上,铺满了落叶,使得每一声脚步,都像在与大地窃窃私语。 这一刻,你会觉得与自然真正地融于一体了,你就是从泥土里长出的一棵树。历经风雨,饱经风霜。 01 At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky (月落乌啼霜满天) “When the moon is down, the crows are crying and the frost is all over t ... ...

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