ID: 21442686

Unit 1 I like dogs词汇50题精练 -2024-2025学年小学英语四年级上册期中复习(译林版三起)(含解析)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:100次 大小:555377B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 I like dogs 词汇50题精练 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Look at (that) cats. 2.—Do you like this (tiger) —No. I like (lion). 3.I like , but I don’t like that . (duck) 4.—Do you like lions —No, I (do). 5.—What’s that —It (be) a lion. 6. (these) is my cat. 7.Look at (those) dog. It’s fat. 8.I like (cake). 9.Look at (this) toy elephants. They’re cute. 10.Do you like (I) fat cat 11.I like (panda). They (be) cute. 12.Would you like (a) orange 13.How many (animal) can you name 14.—Would you like (some) (peach) —Yes, please. 15.—Look at (we) toy pandas. —They’re cute! 二、根据所给首字母提示填空。 16.P are black and white. 17.I have two lovely toy m . 18.I like horses. How a you 19.Eight and t is eleven. 20.—Do you like animals —Yes, I like h and t . 21.A: W you like this p (馅饼) B: No, thanks. I like cakes. 三、从方框中选择合适的内容填空,填序号。 A.that horse B.a little monkey C. in the tree D.look at E. run with me 22.Su Hai, me and don’t talk(说话) again. 23.The cat is . It’s lovely. 24.Please , Mike. 25.They like , but I like this horse. 26.This is . Do you like it, Lisa 四、选词填空。 27.I have animal friend. It’s elephant.(a / an) 28.I like (dogs / dog ). What about you 29.— (Do / Would) you like (a / an) apple —No, thank you. I don’t like (apple / apples). 30.—Where (is / are) your toy animals — (It’s / They’re) in the box. 31.Look! The bird is (on / in) the tree. 32.— you like dogs —No, I . (do / don't) 33.—Is this toy dog — are right. It’s my toy dog. (you / your) 34.Do you like (yellow / yellows) 35.Look at this cat. (How/What)lovely! 36.This is (I / my) father. 37.— (Do / Would) you like an apple — (Yes / No), thanks. 38.A monkey is (on / in) the tree. 39.— (Do / Would) you like robots —Yes, I do. 五、根据所给图片或中文提示填空。 40.I like this . It’s cute and fat. 41.A: This is my toy . Do you like it B: No. I like little animals. 42.We have some toy . 43.—Do you like —No, I don’t. 44.We have some for lunch. 45.The is on the chair. 46.Look at the . It can (跳跃) high. 47.My snowman is (又矮又胖). 48.I like toy . They are cute. 49.I (有一个蛋糕). Look! 50.—Do you like (棕色的狮子) —Yes, I do. 参考答案 1.those 【详解】句意:看那些猫。that那,修饰可数名词单数,cats是可数名词复数,要用that的复数those修饰,故答案为those。 2. tiger lions 【详解】句意:—你喜欢这个老虎吗?—不,我喜欢狮子。this后面接可数名词单数,所以第一空填写tiger,like+名词复数,所以第二句空填lions,故答案为tiger;lions。 3. ducks duck 【详解】句意:我喜欢鸭子们,但是我不喜欢那只鸭子。此题考查名词复数可用作这类事物,that修饰是可数名词单数形式,故答案为ducks;duck。 【点睛】 4.don’t/do not 【详解】句意:—你喜欢狮子吗?—不,我不喜欢。do开头的一般疑问句,否定回答是No, 主语+don’t. don’t是do not的缩写,故答案为don’t / do not. 【详解】句意:—那是什么?—它是一头狮子。句子是一般现在时,主语It是 ... ...

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