ID: 21443571

Unit 3 Are you Su Hai阅读提优(含解析)-2024-2025学年小学英语三年级上册(译林版三起)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:85次 大小:658104B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 3 Are you Su Hai 阅读提优 一、读一读,选择合适的内容补全对话。 A: Good 1 . B: Good afternoon. A: 2 you Su Hai B: No, I'm 3 . 4 Su Yang. A: You look the same. B: Yes. We 5 twins. A: Oh, I see(理解). ( )1. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening ( )2. A. Am B. Is C. Are ( )3. A. no B. not C. can't ( )4. A. I B. I'm C. I'am ( )5. A. are B. Are C. am 二、阅读对话,完成下列各题。 The children(孩子们) are playing games(玩游戏) in the park(公园). Mike: Are you Su Hai Yang Ling: No, I'm not. I'm Yang Ling. Mike: . .. Are you Su Hai Wang Bing: Ha ha! No, I'm not. I'm Wang Bing. Mike: Where(哪里) is Su Hai I can't(不能) find(找到) her. Su Hai: Here I am. (一)根据对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Mike finds Yang Ling at last(最后). ( )2. The children are reading(阅读) books in the park. ( )3. Su Yang is in the park. ( )4. There are(有) four(四) children in the park. (二)根据对话,回答问题。 Where are the children 三、新语篇童话故事 阅读故事,选择正确的答案。 The tadpoles look for their mummy The tadpoles are looking for their mummy. “Are you our mummy ” “No, I'm not.” “Thank you. Goodbye.” “Are you our mummy ” “Sorry, I'm not.” “Thank you. See you.” “Mummy, Mummy!” “I'm sorry. I'm not your mummy.” “Thank you. Bye.” The frog is coming. “Mummy, Mummy!” “Hello, my dear! I love you.” “ Mummy! Mummy! We love you too!” [词汇积累] tadpole /'t dp l/蝌蚪 look for寻找 mummy /'m mi/妈咪 see you再见 frog /fr g/青蛙 dear /d (r)/亲爱的 love /l v/爱 ( )1. _____ is the tadpoles’ mummy. A. The fish B. The duck C. The frog ( )2. The tadpoles are looking for their _____. A. daddy B. mummy C. friends ( )3. Do the tadpoles and their mummy love each other(互相) A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don't. C. Yes, I do. 四、阅读对话,完成下列各题。 Yang Ling: Good morning, Miss Li. Miss Li: Good morning. Are you Su Hai Yang Ling: No, I'm not. Miss Li: Are you Yang Ling Yang Ling: Yes, I am. Miss Li: Let's begin our class now. Yang Ling: OK. TIPS (一)根据对话,选择正确的答案。 有本题 ( )1. It is in the _____. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening ( )2. Yang Ling and Su Hai are _____. A. sisters B. brothers C. classmates(同学) ( )3. Miss Li is a _____. ( )4. They are(她们在) in the _____. ( )5. Who is not mentioned(谁没有被提到) in the dialogue(对话) (二)根据实际情况回答问题。 Do you have a friend in your class(班上有你的朋友吗) What's his/ her name 参考答案 一、1~5 B C BBA 二、(一)1~4 F F F T 1.通读全文可知,Mike最后找到了 Su Hai,故本题错误。 2.由句子“ The children are playing games in the park.”可知,孩子们正在公园里做游戏,故本题错误。 3.通读全文,没有提及 Su Yang,故本题错误。 4.通读全文,对话有 Mike, Yang Ling, Wang Bing 和 Su Hai参与,故本题正确。 (二) They are in the park. 由文中“ The children are playing games in the park.”可知答案。 三、1~3 C B A 1.由最后一个框中内容可知,青蛙是蝌蚪们的妈妈,故选 C。 2.由第一个框中内容可知,蝌蚪们在找妈妈,故选B。 3.由最后一个框中内容可知,蝌蚪们和它们的妈妈都互相爱着对方,故选 A。 四、(一)1~5 A C ... ...

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