ID: 21454140


日期:2024-10-14 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:41次 大小:17494186B 来源:二一课件通
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    上海市大同024中学学年第一学期高10月学情二英语调研听力文字 Section A 1.M:Hurry up! Otherwise we would be late for the meeting. W:Well, now the needle is on “Empty.” It’ll take a few minutes to fill up the tank. Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place 2.M:What time do you usually go home from work W:Oh, I usually finishes my work at 5:45 and spend an hour on the way.But if there’s a traffic jam, it will be 7:45.Last night, I got home very late at 8:45. Q:When does the woman usually get home from work 3.W:No one told me that Caroline was in hospital. M:Sorry.I meant to give you a call when I found out, but it slipped my mind. Q:What does the man mean 4.M:Hey, I’d like to take time off in July, when the kids are out of school.What shall I do W:Oh, you’ve got to submit a form to Human Resources. Q:What is the man going to do this summer 5.M:Oh, no.The X-Mobile dropped my call again, right in the middle of the conversation! W:I hardly ever get dropped with Y-Mobile, and long-distance calls in German are free. Q:What is the man’s problem 6.W:I think you should narrow the topic down.It sounds like a castle in the air to have the topic clearly stated in a 2,000-word paper. M:Exactly.I should think it over and reconsider my topic before consulting my supervisor. Q:What will the man probably do 7.W:We had expected a dozen of guests to attend the lecture but Johnson called just now.He and his wife could not make it. M:All right.I was just going to tell you that Franklin would be attending the lecture. Q:How many guests are going to attend the lecture 8.M:Now that you’ve got a job in the Disney Resort, can’t you bring me a free admission now and then W:Certainly, if you bring me a few coins now and then from the bank where you work! Q:What does the woman mean 9.M:I really enjoyed the students’ performance at the overnight carnival.They did an amazing job with the stalls.It reminds me of my school time. W:I wish you could repeat your comment on their academic performance. Q:What does the woman imply 10.M:Well, Ms.Stone.I must point out that the prices are much higher than before, which are beyond our expectations. W:I’m sorry.But as you know, the labor cost has increased recently and so has the cost of the raw materials. Q:What can we learn from the conversation Section B Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. If a new idea in America becomes a law, people who suffer from obesity could suffer financially, too.The U.S.state of Arizona wants to charge overweight citizens $50 annually if they fail to follow their doctors’ advice.People with children or who are overweight because they suffer from a medical condition would be excluded.If the idea is approved by Congress, smokers and diabetics who fail to stick to a healthy lifestyle will also have to pay.Medicaid, the organization which provides healthcare to the poor in the United States costs the government $339 billion a year.Monica Coury, assistant director at Ari ... ...

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