ID: 21464451

人教版九年级 Unit 2 I think mooncakes are delicious Section B 3a -selfcheck 英文版教案(表格式)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:99次 大小:22617B 来源:二一课件通
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课题 人教版九年级 Unit 2 I think mooncakes are delicious Section B 3a -selfcheck 教案 班级 备课教师 课型 第6课时 课时 1 一、Teaching Objectives 1. Knowledge Objectives Students will be able to master the key vocabulary and expressions related to festivals, such as "spread…around", "between…and…", "give out", "business", "lay", "relatives". Students will understand and be able to use the grammar structures of exclamatory sentences and object clauses. 2. Skill Objectives Students can describe their favorite Chinese festivals in detail, including the name, time, food, activities, and reasons for liking it. Students can complete the exercises in Self check accurately and improve their language comprehension and application skills. Students can rewrite ordinary statements into exclamatory sentences and write sentences about festivals using conjunctions like "that/whether/if" correctly. 3. Emotional Objectives Students will enhance their awareness and appreciation of traditional Chinese festivals. Students will be encouraged to share their festival experiences and feelings with others, promoting cultural communication and mutual understanding. 二、Teaching Key and Difficult Points 1. Teaching Key Points Master the key vocabulary and expressions in this unit. Understand and apply the grammar structures of exclamatory sentences and object clauses. Learn to describe a festival comprehensively. 2. Teaching Difficult Points Use the correct form of words and grammar structures accurately in writing and exercises. How to express their thoughts and feelings about festivals vividly and logically in writing. 三、Teaching Methods 1. Task-based Teaching Method: Design various tasks to help students complete the learning objectives step by step. 2. Communicative Teaching Method: Encourage students to communicate and share their ideas and experiences in pairs or groups. 3. Demonstration Method: Provide examples and demonstrations to help students understand the key points and difficult points. 四、Teaching Procedures Step 1: Lead-in (5 minutes) 1. Show some pictures or videos of different Chinese festivals, such as the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival. 2. Ask students to guess the names of the festivals and briefly describe what they know about them. Step 2: Review (5 minutes) 1. Review the key vocabulary and expressions learned in the previous lessons through a word game or quick quiz. 2. Review the grammar structures of exclamatory sentences and object clauses by showing some examples and asking students to analyze and practice. Step 3: 3a Writing Guidance (10 minutes) 1. Present the writing task in 3a and explain the requirements clearly. Ask students to think about their favorite Chinese festival and answer the questions provided, such as the name, time, food, activities, and reasons for liking it. 2. Share the example of the Mid-Autumn Festival with students and analyze the structure and content. Highlight the key points ... ...

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