ID: 21470959

Unit 6 At the snack bar Story time 课件+教案+素材(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:38次 大小:275670193B 来源:二一课件通
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    Id like 、+ ● Atthesnackbar B Unit6 polite, q hamburger Q sandwich Q noodles some coffee milk a cup of an a glass of a Whatabout.. Whatwould you like Anythingelse 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit6 At the snack bar(Story time)教学设计 教学内容: 苏教版译林四上Unit6 At the snack bar (Story time) 教学目标: 通过本课时学习,学生能够: 1.【学习理解】在看、听、说活动中获取、梳理对话中各个人物所点的食物以及点餐用语。 2.【应用实践】在教师的帮助下,分角色表演对话,尝试转述介绍麦克一家人所点的食物。 3.【迁移创新】联系生活实际,尝试在真实情境下礼貌点餐,并形成爱惜食物、健康饮食的观念。 三、教学重、难点 1.能听懂、会说、会读以下日常用语:“What would you like I’d like…,please. What about you Anything else ”并熟练地与他人进行日常交流。 2.能听、说、读、写单词at, juice, tea, coffee, rice。 3.能在真实情境中运用食物饮料类单词和句型 What would you like Anything else What about you 来询问并用 I’d like..., please.来点餐。 四、教学过程 Step1:Lead in 1.Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls.I’m Miss Xu. Ss: Hello, Miss Xu! T: Are you ready for the class Ss: Yes. T: OK. 2.Enjoy a story T: Boys and girls, do you like reading storybooks Ss: Yes. T: Great! Today, I’ll share a story with you. Let’s watch. (播放A little match girl) T: Do you know the story Ss: Yes. T: OK. Now, look at the little girl, what’s wrong with the little match girl (卖火柴的小女孩怎么了?) Ss: She’s hungry/sad/cold... T: Oh, she’s so poor. Would you like to help her Ss: Yes! T: How can you help her T: Yes, we can buy some food and drinks for her. 3.Let’s say T: But where can we buy food or drinks Think about it. Ss: Snack bar. T: Yes, at the snack bar. Can you read the word (引导孩子拼读snack-black/bar-car) Ss:...(Ss read one by one) T: So we can buy food and drinks at the snack bar. Can you read (板书课题) Ss: At the snack bar. T: Now, let’s go to the snack bar to buy some food and drinks. Step2: presentation and practice Look and say(出示课文挂图) T: Who are they (Q1) Ss: They are Mike, Helen and their dad T: Where are they (Q2) Ss: At the snack bar. T: How do you know (培养发散性思维) S1:They're sitting by the table. S2:There's a menu(菜单) in their dad's hand.(Teach: menu) T: They would like to order food. Who can help them Ss:… T:Yes, the waitress(女服务员)or the waiter(男服务员) 2.Guess and predict T: Can you guess What’s in the menu What would they like Ss:An egg, a hot dog, some water, a hamburger, a sandwich...(培养发散性思维) 3.Watch and tick T: Oh you’re good at thinking. Now Let’s watch the cartoon and tick. What would they like (学生整体感知课文) T: Yes, they would like a hamburger,a sandwich,some noodles,a cup of coffee and a glass of milk 4.Let’s learn(Order food) T: Wow, so much food and drinks. They look very yummy. I'm hungry. Are you hungry Let’s order some food and drinks. What would you like (呈现新句型) Ss: I'd like... (在句子教授词汇a hamburger,a sandwich,some noodles等词汇,并体会some rice 和some noodles 的区别) T: We have ordered much food. Any ... ...

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