ID: 21483123

2024年秋季人教新目标九年级上册英语重点短语和句子汇总(Unit 1—Unit 10)

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:94次 大小:3345800B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section A 1.make word cards 制作单词卡片 the textbook 读教科书 3.listen to tapes 听磁带 4.ask sb. for… 向某人寻求……;向某人索要…… for a test 为考试做准备;备考 6.have conversations with sb. 和某人谈话 first 起初,起先 8.a little nervous 有点儿紧张 9.give a report 做报告 10.take notes 记/做笔记 11.word by word 逐词地…that 如此……以至于 13.write e mails to sb. 给某人写电子邮件 14.repeat out loud 大声重复 afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 16.because of 由于;因为 17.fall in love with 爱上 18.a piece of cake 小菜一碟 19.look up (在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看 that 以便 1.“你怎样学习英语?” “我通过向老师求助学习(英语)。” —How do you learn English —I learn by asking the teacher for help. 2.“你参加过小组学习吗?” “是的,我用那种方式学到了很多。” —Have you ever studied with a group —Yes, I have. I've learned a lot that way. 3.大声读来练习发音怎么样? What about reading aloud to practice pronunci ation 4.我发现听一些有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。 I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. 5.你读得越多,你读得就越快。 The more you read, the faster you'll be. Section B 1.pronounce some of the words 发一些单词的音 2.make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误 3.get the pronunciation right 使发音正确 4.join an English club 加入一个英语俱乐部 born with the ability 天生具有能力 6.depend on 依靠 7.have…in common 有共同点 interested in 对……感兴趣 attention to 注意;关注 10.connect…with 把……和……连接或联系起来 11.need to do sth. 需要做某事 good at 擅长 13.keep doing sth. 坚持做某事 14.learn from 向……学习 15.write down key words 写下关键词 16.even if 即使 17.look for ways to do sth. 寻找做某事的方法 18.explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 19.find out 弄清楚 20.try to do sth. 努力做某事 1.我经常在语法方面犯错误。 I often make mistakes in grammar. 2.人人天生具有学习的能力。 Everyone is born with the ability to learn. 3.调查表明,成功的学习者有着一些共同的好习惯。 Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common. 4.好的学习者经常在课上或课后问问题。 Good learners often ask questions during or after class. 5.学习是终生的旅程,因为每天都会带来新的东西。 Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section A 1.put on 增加(体重);发胖 2.sound like… 听起来像…… 3.the hottest month of the year 一年中最热的月份 4.from…to… 从……到…… similar to 和……相似 6.throw…at… 朝……扔…… 7.wash away 冲洗掉 the shape of… 以……的形状 9.carry sth. to sb. 把某物带给某人 10.shoot down 射掉 11.plan to do sth. 计划做某事 12.refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 up to… 飘向…… out one's name to… 对着……喊出某人的名字 15.lay ou ... ...

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