ID: 21490383

What would you like Part A Let’s learn 课件+素材(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:70次 大小:76542663B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit Three What would you like Part A Let’s learn & Role-play Sing a song. ★ I’m hungry. What would you like to eat I’d like …. sandwich中d不发音 Tip What would you like to eat I’d like _____,please. a sandwich two sandwiches four/some sandwiches I’m hungry. What would you like to eat I’d like …. What would you like to eat I’d like _____,please. 不可数名词 some salad a salad 一些沙拉 一盘(份)沙拉 (指一道菜) I’m hungry. What would you like to eat I’d like …. ham -bur -ger What would you like to eat I’d like _____,please. a hamburger two hamburgers some hamburgers I’m hungry. What would you like to eat I’d like …. ice cream + What would you like to eat I’d like _____,please. an ice cream two ice creams some ice cream I’m thirsty. What would you like to drink I’d like …. 不可数名词 一些茶 一杯茶 some tea a cup of tea What would you like to drink I’d like _____,please. Sarah is hungry too,what would she like to eat ★ Look and say. ★ Listen and repeat. ★ What would you like to eat I’d like a sandwich, please. hamburger,salad,sandwich, chicken beef, carrot… milk, tea, coffee, juice, cola… —What would you like eat/drink… —I’d like+食物类/饮品类名词. 食物类名词 饮品类名词 Summary ★ food drink Quick response. ★ Listen and spell the words. ★ tea vegetables salad sandwich ice cream soup beef hamburger t_ _ s_ndw_ch s_l_d _c_ cr_ _m h_mb_ _ger e a a i a a i e e a a u r Fill the blanks. ★ What would you like to drink I’d like some tea. What would you like to eat I’d like a sandwich, a hot dog, a hamburger … _____’s order Food: Drink: a sandwich, a hot dog, a hamburger some tea Zoom I’d like some tea. I’d like a sandwich, a hot dog, a hamburger … Pair work. ★ What would you like to eat/drink I’d like … sandwich ice cream salad hamburger tea

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