ID: 21498389

Unit 3 What would you like? Part A Let's talk课件+素材(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:91次 大小:64132428B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit Three What would you like Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk Let’s sing. ★ hamburgers chicken cake eggs What would you like to bananas grapes apples strawberries milk tea Coke juice eat I’d like some… drink Sarah is having lunch. What would she like to eat Listen and fill in the blanks. ★ bread noodles chicken She would like some _____and _____. Mum, I’m hungry! What would you like to eat I’d like some bread and sandwiches,please. Here you are, dear. Have some chicken sandwiches. Thanks, Mum. Sarah’s father comes home from work. Watch and answer the questions. 1.What would Sarah’s father like to eat He’d like _____. 2.What would Sarah’s father like to drink He’d like _____. ★ 1.What would Sarah’s father like to eat He’d like _____. 2.What would Sarah’s father like to drink He’d like _____. ★ a sandwich some water What would you like to eat A sandwich,please. I’m hungry. OK. I’m hungry. What would you like to eat I’d like _____. What would you like to drink I’d like some water. I’m thirsty. Here you are. thirsty Thanks. I’m hungry. What would you like to eat A sandwich, please. OK. What would you like to drink I’d like some water. I’m thirsty! Here you are. Thanks. Father: Mother: Sarah: Father: Mother: Sarah: Father: Father: Listen and repeat. Then act it out. ★ I’m _____. _____ _____, please. OK. _____ _____some water. I’m _____! Here you are. Thanks. Father: Mother: Sarah: Father: Mother: Sarah: Father: Father: Fill the blanks. ★ hungry What would you like to eat A sandwich What would you like to drink I’d like thirsty 句型结构:-What would + 主语 + like to eat? -食物名称.(简略回答)/主语+would like+食物名称. 询问对方想吃什么的句型 eg:—What would he like to eat — He'd like some tomatoes. —What would you like to eat —I'd like some bread. Language points 句型结构:-What would+主语+like to drink? - 饮品名称.(简略回答)/主语+would like+饮品 eg:—What would Amy like to drink —She'd like some milk . 询问某人想喝什么的句型 Tip: I'd like=I would like She'd like=She would like He'd like=He would like Find homes for the cats. ★ Eat Drink noodles apple juice vegetables beef tea water banana milk bread chicken —What would you like to… —I’d like… Practice —What would you like to… —I’d like… —What would you like to… —I’d like… Practice —What would you like to… —I’d like… Practice Ask and answer. ★ chicken and bread rice and vegetables beef noodles water orange juice tea What would you like to eat What would you like to drink sandwich ·drink ·thirsty What would you like to eat/drink I’d like some …

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