ID: 21500456


日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:91次 大小:46487B 来源:二一课件通
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任课教师 学生姓名 形容词和副词基本用法 形容词的基本用法 一.形容词的定义与功能 表示人或事物的性质,状态,特征或属性,用来修饰名词或代词。 前置定语:放在名词前 eg. I have a useful book. (1) 作定语 后置定语:放在不定代词后 eg. My friend wants to tell me something important. 注意: 1) 少数形容词只能作定语,如little, live(活着的), elder, eldest等 2) 多个形容词修饰名词时,形容词的位置关系: 冠词/指示代词/物主代词 +序数词/基数词 +一般描述性形容词+大小/长短/形状 +年龄/新旧 +颜色 +国籍/出处 +材料 + 用途/类别 +名词中心词。 口诀1:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠 口诀2:好美小高状其新,颜色国材特别亲 eg. her long straight black hair 长直黑 a big modern hospital 一家现代化的大医院 a small round basket 一个小圆篮子 a large yellow Chinese coat一件黄色的中国式大衣 a big green bus 一辆大的绿色公交车 an expensive Japanese sports car一辆昂贵的跑车 (2) 作表语:放在系动词之后 eg. The people in my hometown are very friendly. 注意: 有些adj在句子只能作表语,不作定语, 这类词有alive,awake,asleep,afraid,alone,alike, sorry,sure, well,glad,ill,frightened,worth等 (3) 作宾补:形容词作宾语补足语时,应放在宾语之后,表示宾语的性质、状态或身份等 eg. My sister always makes her mother angry. (4) 作状语:两个形容词用and连接起来放在句末。eg. They returned from the war, safe and sound. 形容词的构成 (1) 常见的形容词后缀 名词 构成方法 意义 举例 表示天气的名词 -y 充满...的 多..的 cloud-cloudy wind-windy 表示称谓的名词 -ly ...般的 friend-friendly mother-motherly 表示时间的名词 -ly 每…的 week -weekly month-monthly 表抽象意义的名词 -ful -y -less ...的 ...的 无...的 use-useful luck-lucky hope- hopeless 表示大洲与国家的名词 -n ...的 ...人的 Asia-Asian America-American 表示物质的名词 -en ...材制的 wood-wooden gold-golden 表示方位的名词 -ern ...方位的 朝……方的 west-western east-eastern 1)加_____或_____:interesting,interested, boring,bored,exciting,excited 2)加_____:comfortable,usable,reliable,drinkable;eatable;valuable;reasonable 3)加_____:actual,general,international,medical,mental,natural,official,several,special, usual 4)加_____:instant,distant,important,pleasant 5)加_____:absent,different,excellent,patient,present. 6)加_____:physical,political,practical,technical 7)加_____:curious,famous,dangerous,obvious,poisonous,serious,various,humorous 8)复合形容词: a.数词 + n + adj. eg. a 500-meter-long bridge b. adj./ 数词 + n. + ed eg. a fifteen–storyed building a middle-aged man c. adj + v.-ing eg. a good-looking man an easy-going woman d. n+ v.-ed: eg. a man-made lake a snow-covered mountain e. adv+v-ed: eg. a well-known writer a newly-built bridge 即时演练: 1.That would be a _____(reason) thing to do in a big city. 2.Mary felt _____(please) because there were many empty seats in the room. 3.The proverb is saying we have to let things go in their _____(nature) course. 4.It was a little far to her car and it was a _____(fog) day yesterday. 5.The terrible film made the girl stay _____(wake) all the n ... ...

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