
优课北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 3 Home. Lesson 7 Time to tidy.课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:59次 大小:15188497Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Home Lesson 7 Time to Tidy What is the difference(不同) Picture 2 What is the difference(不同) What is the difference(不同) What is the difference(不同) Jenny’s room Jenny Jenny Things(物品) Location(位置) two _____ my _____ my _____ and _____ My brother’s _____ and _____ my _____ and _____ caps model cars model planes in front of me socks behind the door clothes kite below my chair beside my desk pens pencils everywhere Reading: Passage 1 Jenny My room is messy. Well, my mum says it is. She is right. Two ____ are _____ my _____. My _____ is _____ the _____. ___ am __ my _____ and my _____ and ____ are _____ me. My brother’s _____ are _____ my _____. And my _____ are everywhere! It is time to tidy up! caps chair kite door bed clothes socks model cars and planes desk pens and pencils below behind I on in front of beside Retelling: Passage 1 Jenny My room is messy. Well, my mum says it is. She is right. Two caps are below my chair. My kite is behind the door. I am on my bed and my clothes and socks are in front of me. My brother’s model cars and model planes are beside my desk. And my pens and pencils are everywhere! It is time to tidy up! messy Mum Things(物品) Location(位置) Todd’s _____ and _____ Jenny’s _____ , _____ and _____ her _____ and _____ her _____ model cars model planes on the shelf clothes socks caps pens pencils kite in the drawers in her schoolbag under the desk Reading: Passage 2 Todd’s room Mum Jenny's room is tidy now. Todd's model cars and planes are _____ the shelf _____ his bed. Jenny's clothes, socks and caps are ___ their drawers. Her pens and pencils are __ her schoolbag. Her kite is ____ the desk. on above in in under tidy Mum Jenny's room is tidy now. Todd's model cars and planes are _____ the shelf _____ his bed. Jenny's clothes, socks and caps are ___ their drawers. Her pens and pencils are __ her schoolbag. Her kite is ____ the desk. on above in in under tidy Todd Jenny’s brother My room is messy. Well, my mum says it is. She is right. Two caps are below my chair. My kite is behind the door. I am on my bed and my clothes and socks are in front of me. My brother’s model cars and planes are beside my desk. _____.And my pens and pencils are everywhere! It is time to tidy up! Jenny's room is tidy now. Todd's model cars and planes are on the shelf above his bed. Jenny's clothes, socks and caps are in their drawers. Her pens and pencils are in her schoolbag. Her kite is under the desk. _____. A. And I have my umbrella back. B. My mum’s umbrella is under my desk. B. A. My room is messy. Well, my mum says it is. She is right. Two caps are below my chair. My kite is behind the door. I am on my bed and my clothes and socks are in front of me. My brother’s model cars and planes are beside my desk. My mum’s umbrella is under my desk. And my pens and pencils are everywhere! It is time to tidy up! Jenny's room is tidy now. Todd's model cars ... ...

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