ID: 21522175

沪教版(2024)七年级上册Unit4 The Earth Section4、Checking your progress 课件+音频(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:5835153B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 The Earth Section 4 Checking your progress Section 4 Extending and developing competencies Focusing on culture Many people have worked hard to protect our beautiful planet. What challenges do they face What achievements have they made 1 Read the article about Saihanba and find out how the desert became a forest. 皇帝 去那狩猎 在19世纪00年代 砍伐 变成 在20世纪60年代早期 找到一个解决办法 到达 blow away 吹走 三代森林工人 多亏 首都 列为 国家自然保护区 2 Answer the questions below with the information from the article on page 62. (1) How did Saihanba become a desert (2) Why was it difficult to turn the desert into a forest (3) How does the forest improve the environment in the Beijing area There were forest fires and wars, and people cut down many trees. The cold and dry weather made their work very difficult, and strong winds blew away many young trees. In winter, it got as cold as -40℃. The forest helps provide the capital with clean water, and there are fewer sandstorms in the Beijing area now. 3 Complete the sentences with the words and the phrase below. Change the form if necessary. (1) The family lived in the village for five _____ before they moved to Beijing. (2) This is a difficult problem, but I am sure we can find a _____. (3) The strong wind _____ her hat, and it landed in the lake. (4) _____ are very common in the Sahara Desert. (5) Killer whales usually _____ seals and sea lions for food. generations solution blew away Sandstorms hunt Your ideas 4 Discuss the questions below. (1) Why are forests important (2) What can we do to protect them Cross-curricular connection | Earth science Air surrounds the Earth. All living things on Earth need air to survive. What is air like Read the poem about air and the text about wind. Then complete the sentences below. 在那边 待在上面 生存,活下来 在顶部 生产清洁能源 提供 (1) Air has no _____ and no _____. (2) A kite or a plane _____ to stay in the sky. (3) “We need air to survive” means “air _____ us _____”. (4) The wind moves clouds across the sky, and sometimes these clouds bring in _____. (5) A(n) _____ can tell us where the wind is blowing from. (6) _____ produce electricity for us. smell taste rides keep alive rain weathercock Windmills Checking your progress Project Making a fact file about Earth protection Thanks to the tree planters’ great efforts, Saihanba has once again turned green. Are there any other places that faced, or still face, serious problems Let’s do some research and make a fact file. Step 1 Work in groups and choose one place that interests you. Search online for basic information about it. Then discuss what you want to include in your fact file. You may refer to the following questions. 参考 Why do you care about this place What kinds of plants and animals are there in this place What serious problems did / does it face What are the causes of these problems 关心,在意 Step 2 Find out how people solve ... ...

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