一般将来时与将来进行时的区别与用法 知识梳理与专项练习 一、定义与结构 一般将来时 :表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态。 句型:will + 动词原形 例:They will return home tomorrow. 他们明天将回家。 将来进行时 :表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作或状态。 句型:will+ be + 现在分词 例:I will be meeting guests in the evening. 我将在晚上会见客人。 二、动作状态与时间焦点 一般将来时 :强调将来某个时间点的动作或状态,常用于描述将要发生的动作,语气直接。 例:I will visit Paris next summer. 将来进行时 :强调在将来某个时间段内正在进行的动作,常用于表示已安排的事情或询问他人计划,语气委婉。 例:This time next week, I will be flying to Paris. 三、表示计划或安排 一般将来时 :表示临时决定或未明确安排的未来动作 。 将来进行时 :表示已安排好的、按计划将要进行的动作,更为明确和具体 。 例:The band will be arriving in Shanghai tomorrow. 四、否定形式 一般将来时:变否定时,加not。 句型:will + not+动词原形 例:She will not open the window. 她不会打开窗户。。 将来进行时:变否定时,加not。 句型:will+ not + be + 现在分词 例:She will not be dancing at the party. 她不会在晚会上跳舞。 五、其他情况 一般将来时:will含有“愿意”的意思。 例:Mary won`t pay this bill. 玛丽不肯付这笔钱(表意愿)。 将来进行时:只是单纯地谈未来情况。 例:Mary won`t be paying this bill. 不会由玛丽来付钱(单纯谈未来情况)。 专项练习: 一、填空题。 1. -Can l borrow your bike -Sure, l_____ (not use) it until Friday. 2. The tourists_____ (go) sight-seeing in the country all next week. 3. You will soon_____ (tell) what to do later. 4. I_____ (not do) that if he doesn't return my book to me. 5. They _____ (be) here again at 7 p.m. tomorrow. 6. The boy _____ (teach) how to swim when he grows up. 7. I can't go with you, but l_____ (give) you some advice. 8. It still_____ (rain) when we leave. 9. .l think she_____ (find) studying interesting in the future. 10. By 2030, most people in Africa_____ (live) in urban areas. 二、选择题。 ( ) 1. There _____a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be ( ) 2.Charlie_____here next month. A. isn't working B. doesn't working C. isn't going to working D. won't work ( ) 3.He_____very busy this week, he_____ free next week. will be; is B. doesn't working C. will be; will be D. is; will be ( ) 4. There_____ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be ( ) 5. _____ a concert next Saturday A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are ( )6. If they come, we_____ a meeting. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have ( )7. He_____ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday. A. gives B. gave C. will giving D. is going to giving ( ) 8. He_____ to us as soon as he gets there. A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote ( ) 9. What_____ you_____ this time tomorrow A. will…do B. will…have done C. will…be done D. will…be doing ( ) 10. The street lights_____ on when night falls. A .will have gone B. will have been going C .will be going D. will be gone ( ) 11. Joe ... ...
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