ID: 21534717

2024新教材优质精品课件人教版三年级英语上册Unit3 Amazing animals Part A Letters and sounds第三课时(36张)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:70次 大小:60772069B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Amazing animals Part A Letters and sounds (人教PEP版)三年级 上 1 Warm-up/Lead in 热身,导入 3 practice 知识操练 5 Summary 课堂总结 2 Presentation 新知讲解 4 Production 提升拓展 6 Homework 作业设计 你知道什么宠物? 动物有哪些不同? How are animals different PartA:What pets do you know Part A Letters and sounds Warm-up Let’s review 自然拼读ABCDEFGH Lead-in Let’s watch 自然拼读IJKL Lead-in What letters do you see Lead-in What letters do you see Presentation Listen, repeat and chant. I i J j K k L l ill kid job jet Kim kite leg lion Letters and sounds Presentation Let‘s watch Presentation Letters and sounds i在单词中一般发短元音/ / Ii读/a / I,I,I / // // /. I is for ill.I is for kid. The kid is ill.这孩子生病了。 Presentation Letters and sounds j在单词中一般发短元音/d / Jj读/d e / J,J,J,/d //d //d /. J is for job.J is for jet. The man’s job is to fly a jet. 这男人的工作是开飞机。 Presentation Letters and sounds k在单词中一般发短元音/k/ Kk读/ke / K,K,K /k//k//k/. K is for Kim.K is for kite. Kim has a kite.吉姆有一个风筝。 Presentation Letters and sounds l在单词中一般发短元音/l/ Ll读/el/ L,L,L /l//l/ /l/. L is for leg.L is for lion. The lion has four legs. 狮子有四条腿。 Presentation aei glb gkj bkd b i g dig lab led lid b i g Listen and circle the first sound. Letters and sounds Practice Let’s match K k I i J j L l /a / /ke / /el/ /d e / 选出字母IJKL正确的读音 Practice Let’s match K k I i J j L l / / /k/ /l/ /d / 选出字母IJKL正确的音标 Practice job ill jet kid / / /d / 把蘑菇放进篮子里 Practice lion kite leg kim /k/ /l/ 把蘑菇放进篮子里 kid ill job Pick apples jet leg kite Pick apples kim lion kite ill kim leg job kid jet lion 热气球单词 Practice / / ill kid ink in invite Read more words Practice /d / job jet juice joy jeep Read more words Practice /k/ kim kite kiss kangaroo key Read more words Practice Read more words /l/ leg lion look love letter Production Write and say.写一写,说一说 Watch and learn. I占上、中两格,三笔完成。 i占上、中两格,两笔完成。 Watch and learn. J占上、中两格,一笔完成。 j占上、中、下三格,两笔完成。 Watch and learn. K占上、中两格,两笔完成。 k占上、中两格,两笔完成。 Watch and learn. L占上、中两格,一笔完成。 l占上、中三格,一笔完成。 We should know Pets are our friends. We should take good care of them. 宠物是我们的朋友,我们应该照顾好它。 Summary 单词: ill kid jet job kim kite leg lion /l/ /k/ /d / / / Homework 必做作业:听说会读单词:ill kid jet job kim kite leg lion 拓展作业:找到更多相同发音的单词。

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