ID: 21538524

Unit 3 Amazing animals Part A Let’s talk 课件(共24张PPT,内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:23次 大小:17329866B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Amazing animals A Let’s talk Watch and answer What's the song about Animals. What animals are in the song dog tiger cat lion What animals can we keep at home pets wild animals 野生动物 Think and say Who Where Look and say —Where are they —At ____’s home. A. Chen Jie B. Mike C. Wu Binbin Look and say What are they doing A. Greeting(打招呼) B. playing How do they greet (他们如何打招呼?) Wave the hand Smile Look into friends’ eyes Look and say Good morning! Come in. Good morning, Mike! How do they greet 06:00 12:00 Good morning! Good to know Role read Good morning! Come in. Good morning, Mike! What are they talking about A. pets B. families listen and choose Watch and answer What pets Whose(谁的) pets dog cat What pets Whose(谁的) pets Check and say What pets Whose(谁的) pets I like your _____. dog dog cat Check and say Whose(谁的) pets I like your _____. dog Yes, I do. I have a _____. cat dog cat Do you have a pet No, I don’t. Check and say Think and say Does Binbin like pets Why(为什么) Does Mike like his dog 还可以怎么表达喜爱之情? Wow! Cool! ... Thanks. I like my dog, too. Do you have a pet Yes, I do. I have a cat..... Yes, I do. I have a cat. I like my cat! No, I don't. But I like pets. Watch and feel Listen and imitate Thanks. (I like my dog, too. ) Do you have a pet ...! I like your dog. Yes, I do. I have a cat. I like... Role-play No, I don't. But I like pets. Speak correctly 语音正确 Speak fluently 对话流利 Speak with emotion 感情丰富 Add some details 增加细节 Mike’s friends are talking about pets, too. Think and guess What will they say ……. ……. ……. Guo Wei Liu Tao Lucy Listen and tick ……. ……. ……. √ √ —Good morning, Guo Wei! —Good morniing, come in. —Wow! I like your fish. So cool! —Thank you. Do you have a pet, Liu Tao —No, I don’t. —What about you, Lucy —Yes, I do. I have a cat. Guo Wei Liu Tao Lucy √ 作业本P15 hamster Do a survey Name Pet Want Wang Lin Li Yue Do you have a pet Yes, I do. I have a _____. No, I don't. But I want a _____. hamster hamster \ turtle turtle Do a survey and show Tip 1: Work in four. 四人一组 Tip 2: One is the leader. 推选一人为组长。 Tip 3: Do the survey and show. 组长调查组员,并展示。 Tip 4: Show love to your pets. 充分表达情感。 Useful expressions(参考句型): Hello!/ Hi! / Good morning. /… Do you have a pet Yes, I do. I have a …/ No, I don’t. I like… Thanks./ Thank you. Name Pets Homework Need to do: Choose to do: 1. Read the dialogue with your friends. 2. Take a picture of your pet and talk about it. 为自己的宠物拍张照,并介绍一下。 Try to know more words about pets and collect pictures of them. 了解更多宠物单词,搜集喜欢的宠物图片。

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