ID: 21544516

Unit3 Amazing animals Part A letters and sounds 课件+素材(共48张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:11次 大小:148299255B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit3 Amazing animals Period3 Letters and sounds Let’s sing Task1 认识字母 Presentation 占上中两格,三笔完成 占上中两格,两笔完成 Presentation 找一找大写字母 I Presentation 找一找小写字母 i Presentation ill kid I is for / / / / / / ill. The kid is ill. / / / / kid. Presentation 占上中两格,一笔完成 占上中下三格,两笔完成 Presentation 找一找大写字母J Presentation 找一找小写字母j Presentation J is for /d / /d / /d / job. The man’s job is to fly a jet. /d / /d / jet. job jet Presentation 占上中两格,两笔完成 占上中两格,一笔完成 Presentation 找一找大写字母K Presentation 找一找小写字母k Presentation K is for /k/ /k/ /k/ Kim. Kim has a kite. /k/ /k/ kite. Kim kite Presentation 占上中两格,一笔完成 占上中两格,一笔完成 Presentation 找一找大写字母L Presentation 找一找小写字母l Presentation L is for /l/ /l/ /l/ leg. The lion has four legs. /l/ /l/ lion. leg lion Presentation 听音跟读 Task2 字母名操练 (Letter name) Sharp eyes Look and say 说一说下列图片像哪个字母 Look and find 看一看,找一找 Task3 字母音操练 (Letter sound) Listen and tick 听一听是哪个字母的字母音 Listen and tick 听一听是哪个字母的字母音 Listen and tick 听一听是哪个字母的字母音 Listen and tick 听一听是哪个字母的字母音 Listen and circle 听一听,圈出首字母 aei glb gkj bkd Task4 单词操练 Look and say 看一看,说一说 leg Kim kite jump jet job kid ill lion in Look and find 找到单词并说出首字母发音 Look and guess 看一看,猜一猜 i t e k Look and guess 看一看,猜一猜 e g l Look and guess 看一看,猜一猜 e t j Look and guess 看一看,猜一猜 i o n l Let’s blend 拼一拼,读一读 b i g big d i g dig l a b lab Let’s blend 拼一拼,读一读 l e d led lead 过去时 l i d lid Good to know 看视频,小组讨论试着读出单词 insect ink igloo iguana Good to know juice jam jacket jet Good to know key king kite kangaroo Good to know lemon leaf lamp lion Task5 小组合作 Let’s chant 小组合作,仿照示例创编歌谣 I is for / /. / / / / ill. / / / / kid. The kid is ill. ___ is for _____. _____ _____ . _____ _____ . _____. / / /d / /k/ /l/ Standards 1.Correctly.表达准确 2.Fluently.表达流畅 3.Confidently.自信大方 Summary ill kid / / job jet /d / /k/ /l/ Kim kite leg lion Homework Need to do(必做) 1.背诵P30单词并拼读 2.完成配套练习册 Choose to do(选做) 尝试搜集更多包含Ii/ /,Jj/d /, Kk/k/,Ll/l/的单词 Thank you!

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