ID: 21546611


日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:10次 大小:3250973B 来源:二一课件通
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学校 班级 姓名 号 弥 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 15.盒 )25.A.It's sunny. )24.A.Yes,you are. )23.A.It's eight o'clock )22.A.I'm twelve. )21.A.Nice to see you,Miss Yang. )10.A.Tony can jump far. C.Look at the strong tiger B.Look at the small mouse. )9.A.Look at the funny monkey. )8.A.Tomorrow is Thursday. )7.A.a piece of meat )6.A go straight )5.A.collecting old photos )4.A.the Eiffel Tower )3.A.stamp ) )1.A.forecast 2.净爷含旭咨镜热证修租术汇 .含音增分1002。苦用回光四0分际 查膏保乐: 料 19. B.Lin Tao can run fast. B.Today is Saturday B.a bottle of Coke B.turn right B.playing table tennis B.month B.firecracker 弼 B.I like a sunny day. B.Yes,you can have a cat B.It's an elephant. B.It's twelve. B.Good afternoon,Miss Yang B.the Golden Gate Bridge 13. NO SMOKING C.Peter can jump high C.It's Monday. C.get olf C.reading storybooks C.the Great Wall C.seventh phone C·C. Anne:Hello,Dongdong.43. Tim:She is my friend()Anne. Dongdong:I'm fine,too.Tim,42 Tim:Hi!Dongdong.41. Dongdong:Hello!Tim.How are you )40.A.heavy ) 137..May 英 七/锋多冷所。挑签合诗思速并补金牙场。(!0分。线型29) )39.A.breaklast )36.A.cinema 心/禁压不可善明量所。(39)件部1。) A.take for )35.We should learn to -I went to the library. )34.-Where C.Mother's Day B.Tree Planting Day A.International Children's Day A.happy -I can make them )32.-What can you do for old people A.Are you Mr Zhang )31.-Hello! A.take photos )30.Don't A.Which A.ask A.Do is on the first ol June. -Yes.This is Mr Zhang. in the park. B.does you go yesterday B.sad B.What -My birthday is on the sixth of June. is your birthday )28.We are good children.We A.are going to collect pictures. ()27.-What are we going to do today -Yes,please.Thank you. 出/性效想话。(109)线型1) B.old B.glue B.first B.look like ourselves B.Is that Mr Zhang B.pick flowers our parents at home B.are collecting B.Are you want some more vegetables 专高电 E.Nice to meet you! D.who's she C·ptpe.T C.bring C.dinner C.beef C.second C.floor C.take care of C.did C.angry C.Who are you kites C.When C.borrow C.Dic 24-722546 C.What does she look like A.I come from Australia.

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