ID: 21549348

Unit 5 Dinner is ready Part B Let’s learn课件(共37张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:64次 大小:109576838B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) PartB Let’s learn Watch and sing Watch and sing _____ would like _____. Ask and answer soup chicken beef noodles rice fish juice milk bread ... ... vegetables Ask and answer soup chicken beef noodles rice fish juice milk bread ... ... vegetables What would you like Ask and answer soup chicken beef noodles rice fish juice milk bread ... ... vegetables What would you like I'd like some.... Ask and answer soup chicken beef noodles rice fish juice milk bread ... ... vegetables What would you like Would you like some ... I'd like some.... Ask and answer soup chicken beef noodles rice fish juice milk bread ... ... vegetables What would you like Would you like some ... I'd like some.... Yes,please. /No, thanks. Guess and say ... Wu Binbin invites his friends to his home to have dinner together. Guess and say Wu Binbin invites his friends to his home to have dinner together. Let's make some salad. Listen and tick What do they need fork chopsticks spoon knife bowl plate Mum: Let's make some salad. Binbin: Great! Let me help you, Mum. Mum: Thanks. Pass me a bowl and a knife . Binbin: Here you are.And what else Mum: Pass me a spoon,please. Binbin: Wow, salad is ready. Can I try it Mum: Sure. Use the fork,please! Binbin: Ok, yummy! bowl knife spoon fork 他们需要什么? Listen and tick What do they need fork chopsticks spoon knife bowl plate Mum: Let's make some salad. Binbin: Great! Let me help you, Mum. Mum: Thanks. Pass me a bowl and a knife . Binbin: Here you are.And what else Mum: Pass me a spoon,please. Binbin: Wow, salad is ready. Can I try it Mum: Sure. Use the fork,please! Binbin: Ok, yummy! bowl knife spoon fork 他们需要什么? Look and learn bowl Bowl, bowl. Pass me the bowl. Look and learn knife Knife, knife. Cut the vegetables. Look and learn spoon Spoon, spoon. Use the spoon. Look and learn fork Fork, fork. Use the fork. chopsticks Chopsticks,... Use the ... Look and learn bowl Bowl, bowl. Pass me the bowl. knife Knife, knife. Cut the vegetables. spoon Spoon, spoon. Use the spoon. fork Fork, fork. Use the fork. chopsticks Chopsticks,... Use the ... Listen and follow Let's make some salad. Great! Let me help you, Mum. Thanks. Pass me a bowl and a knife. Here you are.And what else Pass me a spoon,please. Wow, salad is ready. Can I try it Sure. Use the fork,please! Ok, yummy! Watch and find Watch and find What else would John like to eat What tableware餐具 would he like to use Listen and follow John, would you like some beef Yes, please, and pass me the knife and fork please. John, would you like some beef ... ... Yes, please, and pass me the knife and fork please. Role play Choose and act ... , would you like some _____ Choose and act Yes, please. Pass me the____, please. ... No, thanks. I'd like some____. Pass me the____,please. , would you like some _____ Read and write I'd like some salad. Please pass me the . I'd like some beef. Please pass me the and . I'd like some fish soup. Pl ... ...

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