ID: 21563848

辽宁省沈阳市和平区2024-2025学年六年级下册英语竞赛卷(PDF版,无答案 )

日期:2025-02-02 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:61次 大小:1732385B 来源:二一课件通
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8SBG2626 25258626 8S2S8G26 esess He wanted to eat 17. 8s2sases 36esess 2s2668s 36335 滋 SF2626 2P4F8926 393323 the tree."Goodbye.Mr Fox." "Of course."When the fox 24. The fox 21. meals.It is a /an_ 7.He has a bad 5.There's a nice. (put)down the squirrel,she ran 25. (wash)his hands before he eats.What about you "sald the squirrel.The fox answered, you.""Wait a minute.I'l 22. (close)her eyes and jump.She fell down 20. eyes and jump.Can you "The little squirrel answered."Yes.I can."She 19. A little squirrel 16. is a building where people usually stay for a short time.paying for their rooms and eyes and usually thought to be wise.It is a /an 14.It is a bird that kills other creatures like insects for food at night.It has large round and packing things.It's the_ is the thin material that you write and draw on and that is also used for wrapping brightly coloured.It is a /an 12.It is a ftying insect with a long thin body and four large wings which are usually pictures.It's a /an 11.It is a piece of equipment for taking photographs, Chinese.It's one of the wonders of the world. 10.The Great Wall of China is called the Ten fruit trees and small animals on their farm. 9.My grandparents live in the_ 8.New Year's Day is a can find enough food. 6.In autumn,wild geese fly when the wind blows. 4.My brother is seven years old.He is a 3.Every momning,I brush my teeth and wash my face in my 2.It's eight fifteen and we can also say it's a_ you a question.Your father always 23. (catch)the little squirrel,"Hal I catch you now.I will eat the tree. (she).He said,"Your father can close 18. (be)in the tree.A fox came and saw the little squirrel 1.Christmas is an important festival in western countries.It's on_ 限面:300件摄价:1008 moving pictures or television li Great Wall"in They have different vegelables We don't need to go to school or work on that day It's so painful that he has to see the dentist. because it's warm there and they on my window.I can hear the beautiful sound school student. .It's small but clean. past eight A.Kitty's'brother )38.Fram the text we'know A.wo )37.Kitty has at least the a plane )36.Kitty's father can her family and hobbies. tennis.She also likes reading. 35.A.ar6 )34.A.does )33.A.ate )32.A.thought )31.A.strong ) )29.A.strongly )28.A.they )27.A.come 26.A.walk the short man answered. Two friends were B.Ms Guo 'B.three B.were a B.tasted B.told B.stay B.slowly B.them B.Cam商 B.walked "He ran away from you when you_ short man,"What 34 the bear say to you The bear was coming..The short man_ 求保热话一2 33 -C.Joe's efriend C.four hobbies C.have C.smelt Q百吴 C·C likes sport! C.teach music in the email.Kitty hopes Gary will write back soon and tell her about himself. a taxi Kitty-wants to be his she sent an email to Gary.She told him about herself One day.Kitty got an email from a boy called Gary Brown from the E-friend Club e-friend now.She wants to have an e-friend in the US.S ... ...

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