ID: 21569608

2025年高考英语题型解析 08-题型七 概要写作 课件

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:81次 大小:1398128B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2025年高考英语解题技巧 题型七 概要写作 名校模拟 Writing 1 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 (2023上海大同中学考试)Few people would contest the value of the arts in a civilized society. The great arts enrich people's lives by providing various amusements. However, it is also true that many of the arts, such as classical music, the ballet, and the visual arts, have always attracted a minority of audience. The arts need capital investment. The question is whether the arts should be publicly funded, or it is the consumers who should pay. It is my view that the government should subsidize(资助) the arts, for a number of reasons. First of all, without subsidies, many artists would undoubtedly be unable to survive financially. Government grants(补助金) enable them to work with artistic freedom, while if they worked independently or relied on private subsidies they might be subject to market pressure. Secondly, the arts contribute to a nation's cultural heritage and can enhance a sense of social identity. They also play an important role in education, community regeneration and even crime prevention. Of course, there are those who argue that public money would be better spent in meeting the needs of the poorer members of society, rather than catering for the interests of the elite. However, I believe that a healthy society is one in which the arts and creativity are valued alongside these basic needs. Indeed, a civilized society ought to make the arts accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or income. In conclusion, the arts should be funded by a broad range of activities, for example, by supporting community or school theatre projects, or bringing sculptures and art installations to public places. _____ 【写作指导】 第一步:现骨架 本篇议论文概要骨架: 论点———论据———结论 第二步:留要点 第一段 根据问答处留要点: The question is whether the arts should be publicly funded, or it is the consumers who should pay. 本文开篇提出问题———艺术应该由政府资助还是应该由消费者买单 第二段 根据总结及时序类留要点: It is my view that the government should subsidize the arts. First of all,…Government grants enable them to work with artistic freedom. Secondly, the arts contribute to a nation's cultural heritage and can enhance a sense of social identity. They also play an important role in education, community regeneration and even crime prevention. 第二段主要讲的是作者认为政府应该为艺术提供资金,因为艺术在社会许多方面起 着重要的作用,而且政府资助可以让艺术家们有创作自由。 第三段 根据转折类留要点: However, I believe that a healthy society is one in which the arts and creativity are valued alongside these basic needs.Indeed, a civilized society ought to make the arts accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or income. 第三段讲述的是健康文明的社会应该如同重视基本需求一样重视艺术,让所有人都 能接触到艺术。 第四段 根据总结类留要点: In conclusion, the a ... ...

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