试卷类型:A 2024—2025 学年度第一学期期中质量检测 八年级英语试题 2024.11 注意事项: 1.本试题满分 110 分,考试时间为 90 分钟; 2.答卷前务必将试题密封线内及答题卡上面的项目填涂清楚。所有答案都必须涂、写在答题卡相应位置,答在本试卷上一律无效; 3.非选择题用黑色中性笔作答。 一、阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题2分,满分30分) (一)配对阅读。阅读下列假期旅行方案,请根据人物需求匹配最适合的方案,并将方案所对应的选项 A、B、C、D填在相应位置上。(一项为多余选项) A A. Spending holidays at the beach is amazing. You can lie in the sun, or swim in the clear blue sea, or just build sandcastles on the beach. It's a great place to relax from the stress of daily life. B. A vacation in a historical old city is a journey back in time. There are some museums and historical sites. They seem to tell you the stories of centuries past. It enriches your knowledge of history and culture. C. Going on a vacation to the mountains is an exciting experience. Green trees are everywhere and the mountain air is so fresh and clean. You can hike along a quiet path, enjoy beautiful views from the top of a mountain, and even go camping. D. A holiday in the countryside is ideal for those liking peace. The air is very clean. It is very quiet and people there are friendly. You can go for long walks, visit local farms, and experience a much slower pace of life. 1. Simon: I really want to see the beautiful morning sun from the top of mountain and enjoy the fresh air. 2. Amy:I like swimming very much. And I really enjoy lying in the sun an relax myself. 3. Kitty: I want to go to Xi' an to experience the history of this old city and fe the beauty of the Terracotta Army (兵马俑). (二)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 B When people think of tigers, words like“strong” and“dangerous” come into their mind. But now, the big animal is calling for our help. There were once eight kinds of tigers in the world, but three died out during last century. In the past 70 years, the number of the Siberian tigers has gone from as many as 300 to somewhere between 18 and 22. The World Wildlife Fund started a programme. It is about to put an end to tiger poaching(非法狩猎) and save wild tigers. China, together with 12 other countries, has joined in. The aim (目标) is to double the number of wild tigers in the next ten years. According to research by Chinese officers and WWF, the Siberian tiger is already one of the world's most endangered (濒危) animals. “If the government doesn't do anything, it's quite possible that there will be no more Siberian tigers in China in 10 to 20 years.” said Zhu Chunguan, director at WWF's Beijing office. Wild animals such as deer and wild boars are tigers’ main food. The poaching of these animals is the greatest danger to tigers. Traps(陷阱) are also a danger. “Volunteers(志愿者) from WWF remove traps every year, but we cannot clear all the traps ourselves,” Zhu said. The most important thing people can do is to save the animals tigers eat. “To protect th ... ...
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