ID: 21669096

Unit 5 She's my mother 第1课时 课件(共15张PPT)

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:10650003B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 She’s my mother 第1课时 Lead-in Activity 1: Watch and sing What’s the song about Sing, do and answer. Activity 2: Look and say Look! These are your family photos. Can you guess whose family photos these are This is …’s family. Activity 3: Look and learn Look! Who is he Can you guess He is ... Yes! This is my father. father 父亲,爸爸 Activity 3: Look and learn mother 母亲,妈妈 brother 哥哥,弟弟 sister 姐姐,妹妹 baby 婴儿 Activity 3: Look and learn “开火车”式读单词father, mother, brother, sister, baby。 Father. Father and mother. Father, mother and brother. Father, mother and brother. ... Activity 3: Look and learn 男女生比赛、高低音读单词。 father, mother, brother, sister, baby Activity 4: Listen and sing Listen and sing in roles. Activity 4: Listen and sing 小组互评。 You can sing. You can role-play. 评价表: Activity 5: Let’s play a game Rules: 五人一组, 各自戴上头饰, 分别扮演小熊的一家。 Introduce yourself to others. Who’d like to be mum/dad/sister/brother/baby bear Activity 6: Let’s introduce Look! This is my family. Look at this man. He’s my      . Look at this woman. She’s my      . This boy is my      . This girl is my      . I love my family! 根据学习清单中给出的框架进行介绍。 Activity 7: Think and share What makes a family Family=Father and mother, I love you. Activity 8: Good to know 1. 家庭中的关系有:夫妻关系、母女关系、 父子关系、姐弟关系、兄妹关系等。 2. 家庭成员之间应相互爱护、包容、团结 合作和共同承担家庭责任。 Homework 1. 朗读新单词。(必做) 2. 画一幅自己的全家福。(选做) 3. 你还知道其他关于家庭成员的单词吗 搜 集一下, 下节课分享。(选做) Thank you!

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