ID: 21677373

Module 4 Unit 1You must be careful of falling stones课件+音频(共39张PPT)外研版九年级下册

日期:2024-12-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:29次 大小:5175290B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit 1 You must be careful of falling stones. 1.学习目标 3.重点探究 2.自主学习 学习导航 5.当堂检测 6.课堂总结 4.拓展提升 新课导入 Have you ever climbed mountains Do you like it What suggestions can you give to people when walking in the mountains Free Talk 1. The visitors should wear a hat. 2. Don’t walk along the edge. 3. They’d better take some food and water. 4. They should wear comfortable shoes. … 1.能熟悉并能正确运用本课时的重点单词和短语 2.能表达有关登山时的规则和建议 3.能运用情态动词谈论一些旅游场所的注意事项 学习目标 自主学习 New words and expressions set off sock whenever proper edge yourself go off starve 动身;出发 n. 短袜 conj. 每当;无论什么时候 adj. 合适的;恰当的 n. 边;边缘 pron.你自己 离开 v. 挨饿;饿死 自主学习 go in one go rock rock climbing stone fairly smooth straight n. 尝试;努力 一口气;一下子 n. 岩;岩石 攀岩 n. 石头 adv. 相当;还算 adj. 无困难的; 顺利的; 光滑的; 平坦的 adj. 直的;笔直的 重点探究 Do you know how to keep safe when you are leaving for a trip in the hills wear sunglasses gloves proper clothes strong shoes thick socks … take lighters spring water medicine tent knife ship biscuit mobile phone … You mustn’t walk too close to the edge of the hill or rocks because you might fall and hurt yourself. You mustn’t go off on your own, you have to keep together so you don’t get lost. 1. Look at the photo. Then say what suggestions you can give to people who go walking in the mountains. Learning to learn When you give suggestions, you may use can, must, have to, should, mustn’t and shouldn’t, depending on the strength of your advice. take some food and water go walking with your friends wear comfortable shoes 2. Listen and answer the questions. ① When is Betty leaving for the trip ②What is Mr. Jackson going to tell the students Betty is leaving tomorrow morning. Mr. Jackson is going to tell them about personal safety. ③ What does Betty’s mum suggest Betty should not do ④ Does Betty think the trip will be dangerous Betty’s mum suggests she should not drink the water from a stream or walk too close to the sides of the hill path. No, she doesn’t. She thinks there is nothing to worry about. Listen again and complete the sentences. Betty: Mum, I’m leaving early tomorrow morning. It’s _____ the Western Hills. Mum: Have you got everything ready Betty: Yes, I’ve just put everything in my bag. Mum: So who’s _____ Betty: Mr Jackson. He’ll tell us everything about _____. Mum: Do you have to take anything to eat Betty: Yes, we do. Everybody’s bringing a _____. Mum: You should take_____. You _____ drink the water from a stream. And don’t walk _____ the sides of the hill path. It’s very high in places. Betty: It’s OK, Mum. Relax. It’s a walking trip. There’s nothing much to _____. the trip to leading the group personal safety picnic lunch plenty of water mustn't too close to worry about Mr Jackson: OK, please pa ... ...

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