ID: 21681307

Unit 2 British or American English 导学案 2024-2025学年冀教版(2024)七年级英语上册

日期:2024-11-23 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:33次 大小:18575B 来源:二一课件通
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课题 冀教版七年级上册英语 Unit 2 British or American English 导学案 课时 1 主备人 一、学习目标 1. 能够理解并区分英式英语和美式英语在词汇方面的一些差异。 2. 通过阅读文章,提高阅读理解能力和获取关键信息的能力。 3. 培养小组合作学习的能力和积极参与课堂讨论的兴趣。 二、学习重难点 1. 重点 掌握文章中提到的英式英语和美式英语在词汇上的不同表达。 理解文章的主旨大意。 2. 难点 能够在实际情境中准确运用英式英语和美式英语的词汇。 三、学习过程 (一)课前预习(10 分钟) 1. 预习课本上的词汇和短语,尝试理解其含义。 2. 观看一段关于英式英语和美式英语对比的短视频,初步了解两者的差异。 (二)课堂导入(5 分钟) T: Good morning, class! Before we start today's lesson, let's have a short conversation. Have you ever noticed any differences between British English and American English S1: Yes, I think the pronunciation is different. T: That's a good point. Anyone else S2: The spelling is also different. T: Excellent! Today, we are going to explore more differences between British and American English. Let's begin. (三)阅读文章,理解主旨(10 分钟) 1. 学生快速阅读文章,然后选择文章的主旨大意。 T: Now, please read the passage quickly and tick the main idea. I'll give you 3 minutes. T: Time's up. Who wants to share your answer S3: I think the main idea is that British English and American English are different in some ways. T: Great job! You are correct. 2. 学生再次阅读文章,完成表格,比较英式英语和美式英语在词汇上的差异。 T: Read the passage again and complete the table. I'll give you 5 minutes. T: Let's check the answers together. Who wants to share your answers S4: For "metre", the American English is "meter". T: Correct. How about "center" S5: The British English is "centre". T: Well done! Let's continue. (四)小组合作,探究更多差异(15 分钟) 1. 学生分组讨论,找出更多英式英语和美式英语的差异。 T: Now, work in groups. Find more differences between British English and American English. I'll give you 10 minutes. 2. 每组派代表分享讨论结果。 T: Time's up. Which group wants to share first Group 1: We found that in British English, "flat" means apartment in American English. T: Good finding! What else Group 2: We know that "biscuit" in British English is "cookie" in American English. T: Wonderful! Any other groups (五)课堂总结(5 分钟) T: Today, we learned about some differences between British English and American English. We know that they have differences in vocabulary. But remember, no matter which one you use, as long as you can communicate clearly, it's fine. So keep learning and exploring. (六)课后作业 阅读一篇关于英式英语或美式英语的文章,并用自己的话总结主要内容。 ... ...

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