ID: 21691098


日期:2024-11-15 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:99次 大小:840793B 来源:二一课件通
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语法填空专项训练 ———童年是你最该学的人生课堂 来源于TED 任何学校或大学都没有教授童年这门课程,但这门课程却是我们每一个人所必要的。童年决定着我们如何对待工作、志向和成功,如何看待自己,也决定着我们是谁,会有怎样的人际关系。没有对童年的正确理解,我们赚了多少钱,多么出名或家庭多么熠熠生辉都没意义,我们要明白过去到底是什么,让我们变成今天这个样子。 Passage1 There is perhaps no _____1_____(great) priority in childhood than to acquire an education. It’s in the early years that we have to push _____2_____(we) with special vigor to learn the lessons and acquire the experience. This could help us _____3_____(successful) maneuver around the pitfalls of adult life.By studying hard and intelligently we’ll have the best chance of _____4_____(avoid) a middle-age of confusion and resignation, regret and sorrow. The clue to a successful adult life, we’re repeatedly told lies in childhood education. It’s for this reason that we send weary children out into the world _____5_____dark winter mornings with full rucksacks in order to spend the day _____6_____(study) coordinate geometry and indefinite articles the social impact of religious and economic changes under Edward VI and the place of Aristotle’s philosophy in Dante’s Inferno. But there is one very striking detail _____7_____(note) in our approach. The one subject that almost certainly has the most to teach us in _____8_____(term) of its capacity to help us skirt adult dangers and guide us to fulfillment. The subject that far more than any other has the decisive power to liberate us. This subject is not taught in any school or college anywhere on the planet. 答案: greater 考察形容词比较级 ourselves 考察反身代词 successfully 考察副词 avoiding 考察介词 avoiding 考察介词 studying 考察固定搭配 to note 考察非谓语 terms 考察固定搭配 that 考察定语从句 or 考察连词 附译文: 童年时代,重中之重,应是接受教育。在早期,我们必须竭尽全力学习课程并获得经验,这可以帮我们成功绕开成人生活中的陷阱。通过努力聪明的学习,我们将有最大概率避免中年时期的困惑,辞职,遗憾 懊悔。 成人生活的成功源于我们一再强调的儿童教育。因此我们送疲惫的孩子们出去学习,在漆黑的冷冬清早,背着沉重的书包,为了用一天的时间学习坐标几何和不定冠词,爱德华六世时期的宗教和经济变革以及亚里士多德哲学在但丁地狱中的地位。但在我们的教育方式中,要注意一个明显细节,有一门课几乎可以肯定可以最多的培养一种能力,帮助我们规避成人世界的险阻,指导我们实现目标。这门课比其他课程更加具有决定性作用,使人自由。任何学校或大学都没有教授该课程,地球上哪里都不教。 Passage2 A further irony is that this unstudied subject is one_____1_____we nevertheless live through everyday of our early years. It is part of our palpable experience, _____2_____(unfold) all around us, as invisible as air and as hard to touch as time. The missing subject is, of course, our childhood itself. We can sum up its _____3_____(important) like this: our chances of _____4_____(lead) a fulfilled adult life depend _____5_____(overwhelming) on our knowledge of and engagement with and engagement with the nature ... ...

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