ID: 21704789

2025届高三英语专项复习 双语新闻阅读与语法填空(3篇,含答案)

日期:2024-11-15 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:29次 大小:29336B 来源:二一课件通
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双语新闻阅读与语法填空 这群年轻人用AI与爱,点亮失踪儿童回家的路 双语新闻 Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been applied in many fields, and it is now playing an increasingly important role in issues of public interest. 人工智能技术已在许多领域得到应用,在公众关注的问题上发挥着越来越重要的作用。 A group of students at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in central China’s Hubei Province has developed an AI system that restores old photographs to help families find their loved ones who had gone missing 10 to 20 years ago. 位于湖北省的华中科技大学(HUST)的一群学生开发了一种人工智能系统,该系统可以恢复旧照片,帮助家庭找到10到20年前失踪的亲人。 The team was founded by Sheng Jianzhong three years ago, when he was a doctoral student at HUST’s School of Software Engineering. 团队成立于2020年,发起人盛建中当时是华中科技大学软件学院的博士生。 But the development of an image restoration algorithm requires the construction of a large database, which cannot be completed by one person alone. Many like-minded students soon volunteered to join Sheng’s project, writing code and testing algorithms. 不过,研发图像修复算法需要构建一个庞大的数据库,光靠一个人的力量远远不够,很多同学看到盛建中做的事情,也主动加入进来,写代码,测试算法。 After six months of intensive technological research and development, they produced an image restoration AI algorithm that solved the issue of unclear faces in photographs. 盛建中和团队花了半年的时间集中攻关,终于研发出一套图像修复人工智能算法,解决了寻亲照片中“人脸不够清晰”这一核心问题。 A restored image can be generated just minutes after a blurry portrait is entered into the system, significantly improving resolution and the clarity of facial features. 一张模糊的人像图片输入系统,几分钟后,一张修复好的图片便自动生成,人像五官清晰度与分辨率有了很大提升。 Parents are then able to print the high-quality images of their missing children onto T-shirts or large posters. 走失儿童的家长可以把孩子的照片打印到衣服上,或者打印成巨幅海报张贴。 The power of technology, specifically a facial comparison algorithm that takes age-related changes and family similarities into account, played a major role in bringing about the happy outcome. 科技的力量,特别是考虑到年龄相关变化和家庭相似性的面部比对技术,帮助多个家庭找到好结果。 词汇积累 1. artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能 2. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) 华中科技大学 3. restore v. 恢复(某种情况或感受);修复;使复原 4. doctoral adj. 博士的;博士学位的 5. algorithm n. 算法;计算程序 6. database n. (储存在计算机中的)数据库 7. generate v. 产生;生成;引起 8. blurry adj. 模糊不清的 9. take ... into account 把……考虑在内 语法填空 Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been applied in many fields, and it is now playing 1 increasingly important role in issues of public interest. A group of students at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in central China’s Hubei Province has developed an AI system that restores old ... ...

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