ID: 21750332

【教材完全解读】新人教版选修二Unit 2 Bridging Cultures课堂笔记(PDF电子书版)

日期:2024-12-20 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:77次 大小:8850640B 来源:二一课件通
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BRIDGING 人化桥 UNIT CULTURES Elaine英语 I am not the same,having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. 在世邪雨男一坞者过月地闪般,景配界公是同群前日己. 玛函·婴妮·拉武马赫 课堂笺记整理 PI3-P74 Elaine英语 1.I think she is from China She is probably studying in a foreign country 3.No doubt she has many more foreign friends,and she has to adapt to a new culture. In this unit,you will Look and discuss 1 read about Xie Lei's experience on an 1 Where do you think the girl on the left is exchange programme in London. from 你认为左边的那个女路是哪国人? 2 "识外时h完inese language 2 Where do you think she is studying now learning abroad. 3 How doy 3 write about your opinions on studying abroad号出对出国号的香法 4l物秘g女的y生7南不nese students who studied abroad. 13 函放让 Reading and Thinking Elaine英语 Read about Xie Lei's experience on an exchange programme [阅读附话在一个交流项目中的轻历 1 Before you read,look at the title and picture below.Where do you think this article is from What do you think the article is about 存网读南,香,下面的标,题和图片,认为这离文章采自哪里?认为氨隔文章是关于什么的? 1.I think the article is from the newspaper of an overseas unipersity,and it is probably about the life of an exchange student from China. 2 Read the article and work 阅读文章,并与 Understand long sentences理解片句 with a partner to analyse 一个搭档分析用 English structures are different from those in Chinese,but you the structures in the 下划钱标出的同 can figure out what a long sentence means by following a few underlined sentences. simple steps. 子南信钢。度用 这条提示作为帮 Use the tip for help. 1 Decide if the sentence is compound (look for ond,but,or, etc.)or complex (look for who,when.where,etc.). 助 2 Find the main clause if it is a complex sentence. 3 ook for modifiers,英话结构与中文结将不同,阻序可以站过遵丽 P55e一by是名调十介调”构底的个尚华胸参源亲清楚一个长同是十京品, 复台名词,类似嗣还有:looker-一on喷 .判断问孕是并列的(寻找and,but,or等) 还是显合的(等找whe,when,where等) 观者。魏种名词变复数时,位布中0名,如果它是一个复合同,找主同 WELCOME, 词后加-5,ppos5e5一by,lo0水e5一0n3.寻找传饰语 said.n股8b 新eon的宴话 XIE LEI!" transport and how to as for things⊥idn't kno the Englsh names To ost. BUSINESS passes-by or help,but people here speak fast and use words I'm not familiar with.I ask them to STUDENT repeat themselves a lot!" BUILDING .(大学)校园:核园 BRIDGES accommodation.xie Lel chose to live with a host “欢观,谢语!“ family.who can help with d2改号本 两学客生带理〔 化灰熟用)桥梁 new culture."When导.oedn.安, to have a second family,.”Xie Lei said,-When发人形到¥慰 号界局C男导oko%显!6威是 舒服;壁墟 can ask them.They are2sok9e9是arn about vt.安慰;抚慰 Six months ago.19-year-old Xie Leis goye Chna.Laura.the卷n精y.wants to study in China in the future.We take turns to to her family and friends and boarded a plane for cook each evening.They really love my stir-fricd London.It was the first time that she had loft China ... ...

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