ID: 21750680

Unit 3Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?单元知识总结 人教版九年级全册

日期:2024-11-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:64次 大小:21223B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 - Could you please clean your room 1. 课文主题概述 本单元的主题是“礼貌地提出请求并讨论家庭责任”。学生将学习如何用英语提出礼貌请求,接受或拒绝请求,以及如何描述家庭中的责任和任务。 学习目标包括: 掌握提出和回应请求的句型。 学习与家务和家庭责任相关的词汇。 学会礼貌用语在日常生活中的运用。 2. 单词与短语讲解 核心单词: clean (v./adj.) 清理;干净的 例句:Could you please clean your room / My room is very clean now. 衍生:cleanliness (n.) 清洁;cleaner (n.) 清洁工 laundry (n.) 洗衣物 例句:I need to do the laundry this afternoon. 相关短语:do the laundry 洗衣服 trash (n.) 垃圾 例句:Could you take out the trash, please 同义词:garbage, rubbish messy (adj.) 凌乱的 例句:Your room is so messy. Please clean it. 反义词:tidy (adj.) 整洁的 sweep (v.) 打扫 例句:I swept the floor yesterday. 核心短语: do the dishes 洗碗 例句:It’s your turn to do the dishes tonight. take out the trash 倒垃圾 例句:He always forgets to take out the trash. make one’s bed 整理床铺 例句:I make my bed every morning before school. set the table 摆餐桌 例句:Can you help set the table for dinner be responsible for 对……负责 例句:You should be responsible for cleaning your room. 3. 句型与语法重点 A. 提出请求的句型 礼貌请求的用法: Could you please... 例句:Could you please clean the living room 更礼貌的方式: Would you mind... 例句:Would you mind doing the dishes Do you mind if I... 例句:Do you mind if I open the window 回答: 肯定:No, not at all. / Of course not. 否定:Yes, I do. B. 情态动词 could 表示礼貌请求 表达请求:Could you please... 例句:Could you help me with my homework 表示可能性:I could help you after dinner. 练习:将以下句子改为礼貌请求: 例句:Help me clean the house. → Could you please help me clean the house 4. 课文重点解析 课文围绕家庭成员之间的任务分工展开,通过对话呈现以下重点内容: 提出请求: A: Could you please do the dishes B: Sorry, I can’t. I have to finish my homework first. 接受或拒绝请求: 接受:Sure. / No problem. 拒绝:I’m sorry, but I’m busy now. 讨论家庭责任: 句型: I’m responsible for... It’s my job to... 5. 课堂练习 A. 翻译句子 你能帮我倒垃圾吗? 今天轮到我洗碗了。 我的房间很乱,我需要打扫一下。 B. 选词填空 选词:laundry, responsible, clean, messy, dishes I always do the _____ on Sundays. You should be _____ for your own room. Could you help me wash the _____ after dinner The floor is so _____ that we need to sweep it. C. 完成对话 A: Could you please _____ B: Sorry, I’m busy now. Could you ask someone else 6. 拓展阅读与写作 A. 阅读短文 主题:Sharing Family Responsibilities In a family, everyone has responsibilities. Parents are often busy with work, so children should help with housework. For example, they can clean their rooms, do the laundry, and take out the trash. Sharing housework makes the family a happier place. 问题: Why should children help with housework What housework can children do B. 写作任务 题目:How do you help your family 要求:用5-8句话描述你在家中负责的家务,以及你的感受。 范例: In my family, I am resp ... ...

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