教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 八年级 学期 秋季 课题 Module 11 Way of life Unit 3 Language practice(2) 教学目标 By the end of the class,students will be able to use “must/ mustn’t...” “can/can't…” “needn't...” or “may/might...” properly to talk about customs in the UK and in China. (学习理解) work in groups and write to Tony about what to do when visiting a Chinese family.(应用实践) be aware of the importance of respecting customs in different countries.(迁移创新) 教学重难点 整体思路:本课以外研社英语教材八下 Module11 单元整体教学为视野,以Unit3 Around the world 和 Module task 两个板块为依托,以回复来自英国的 Tony 的来信为主任务驱动,引导学生在具体情境中选用适当的情态动词 “must/mustn't...”“can/can't...”“needn't...”及“may/might...” 来表 述英国和中国的传统习俗,达成教学目标。 在重点(掌握情态动词)突破上,在启动主任务前,设计展示部分同学的课前作业 Fact book about traditions in England(英国传统示例书),选择正确的情态动词来描述与图片匹配的英国习俗。 在难点攻破上,把主任务(帮助 Tony 更好地做一个中国家庭访客)分解成具体的四个步骤,层层深入,步步为营。 Task step1: Let’s review & predict the possible problems Tony may meet. Task step 2: Discuss in groups & write a paragraph. Task step 3: Polish your paragraph and report it in class. Task step 4:Write a letter to Tony. 在课堂用语上,教师坚持采用激励性语言缓解学生学习焦虑,并有意识地高频使用本课目标语言“must/mustn’t...”,“can/can't...,“needn't...”, “may/might...”和 should 等情态动词,帮助学生在多语境中理解并习得情态动词的用法。 在学法指导上,学案与课堂同步,有利于学生跟上课堂节奏, 记录重要笔记,完成当堂讨论、习作等任务。 在教法设计上,本课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式教学,结合情景法、交际法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,围绕一个主任务Write to Tony分四步骤的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生感受不同文化下不同的习俗,体验用英语为外国友人解决困难的乐趣。 所需教具及资料:PPT,fact book,worksheet(学案),checklist(写作量表) 教学过程 Greetings: Hello! Everyone. Welcome to my class! The topic today is about traditions. We’re going to use modal verbs to talk about traditions in England and in China. Presentation: 1.Show some great homework -- fact books about different customs. 2.Check the fact book page by page. Practise: Look at the pictures and choose the right modal verbs. You may / mustn’t ask a lady“How old are you ” You can/must stand in a line when waiting for a bus. You might/can know someone well, but you must/need not ask him “How much money do you make ” He may/must never speak to you again! You must/can’t use a knife and a fork when having a meal. As Chinese, you may/must find it not east at first. You needn’t/mustn't wait to open a gift. You can /can’t take flowers when you visit someone. But you must/mustn’t take 13 flowers. 复习小结:情态动词用法归纳: We use must not to show something we can’t do at all. We use might or may to show some ... ...
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