ID: 21773092

上外版(2020)必修 第一册 Unit 1 School Life 初高衔接词汇—后缀- Suffixes 教学设计+课件+学案

日期:2024-12-03 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:10次 大小:208494B 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit1 初高衔接词汇—后缀- Suffixes 学案 I. Warming- up Please read the following Chinese characters carefully and think about the following questions: 1. Do they have anything in common in each group? 2. Does the same phenomenon exist in the English language 钊; 剥; 刻 侧; 倒; 例 迷; 咪; 眯 抿; 珉; 岷 Reference answer(s): The words in each group share a certain part. In the English language the same phenomenon also exists. II. Input I). Please read the following sentences and pay special attention to the formation of the underlined words. 1. Mrs. Peabody, the English teacher, gave the class a writing assignment. teacher= + assignment = + 2. "Be as creative as you can. But, " the teacher added, " make sure you use proper spelling and grammar. " creative = - + 3. He' d actually been happy to get back to school. actually = + 4. English was his favorite class. favorite= + 5. Almost everyone in class simply wrote an essay about his or her summer vacation … simply = - + 6. " But, " the teacher continued, " one of you had the courage to be as imaginative as I asked you to be. … " imaginative = - + Reference answer(s): teacher= teach+ -er; assignment= assign+ -ment; creative= create - e+ -ive; actually= actual + - ly; favorite= favor+ - ite; simply= simple - e + -ly; imaginative= imagine - e + ative II.) Please find the example words with the common suffixes listed here. Noun suffixes: - age, eg. ; - er/ or, eg. ; - ance/ - ence, eg. ; - ation/ - ion, eg. ; -ment, eg. ; - ness, eg. ; - ship, eg. ; - ty, eg. , etc Adjective suffixes: -al, eg. ; - ful, eg. ; -able/ -ble, eg. ; - ant/ -ent, eg. ; - ous, eg. ; - ive/ - ative, eg. ; - less, eg. ; -ly, eg. ; - y, eg. , etc. Adverb suffixes: - ly, eg. ; - ward(s),eg. ; - wise, eg. , etc. Verb suffixes: - en, eg. ; - ise/ - ize, eg. ; -ify, eg. , etc. Reference answer(s) courage; writer; ignorance; operation; punishment; carelessness; relationship; necessity; international; careful; respectable; ignorant; dangerous; passive; careless; orderly; happy; carefully; backwards; likewise; strengthen; modernize; identify. III. Output 1. Please compete in groups to find as many words with the given suffixes as possible within 3 minutes. - ful: ; - ation/- tion: ; -ward(s) : ; -ise/ - ize: . Reference answer(s): colorful; respectful; successful; wonderful; careful action; reaction; protection; operation; pollution forward; upward; backward; outward; sideward visualise; realise; modernise; publicise; industrialise 2. Please read the root word or the suffix on the card you have and find a " match" to form a new word and then introduce the meaning and part of speech of the new word. You may leave your seats. 3. Please find another match to form another new word and introduce the meaning and part of speech of the new word with one sentence as an example. Reference answer(s): participate-- participation/ participant eg. Participation is encouraged at all levels. 40 of the course participants are offered jobs in th ... ...

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