ID: 21775265

Unit 2 Meet My Family! Theme Reading 课件(共18张PPT) 仁爱科普版(2024)七年级英语上册

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:43次 大小:17043416B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Meet My Family! Lesson 4 Family time Theme Reading Warm up What 's it about 通过本课的学习,学生能够: 用略读(skimming)阅读策略和组织观点(organizing ideas)思维技能获取语篇的主旨大意(the main idea)和关键信息(key points); 依据所学, 结合思维导图(the thinking map)介绍康康的家庭; 体会参与家庭时光的快乐, 爱家庭,爱生活。 Learning Objectives(学习目标) 一、单元导入,明确目标 Pair work. Describe the pictures and talk about your family time. have a meal together walk the dog in a park wash dishes cook food Looking Activity 1 Read the text on P26 in silence(默读)and underline the main idea(主旨大意). Then write a proper title(恰当的标题) My name is Kangkang. My mother is a teacher, and my father is a doctor. They are very busy most of the time. But after work, we do many things together. My grandparents don't live with us. We often visit them on weekends and have dinner together. We all do something for dinner. My parents cook the food. My sister helps our grandparents set the table and I clean up with my father after dinner. I love my family, and I enjoy my family time. Skimming(略读) 2 分钟 My Family Time [set] v. 摆放餐具;设置,安排 二、阅读感悟、自学检测 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Activity 2 Read the text aloud again(大声再读) and mark T (true) or F(False). 2 分钟 ,先独立完成,然后同桌核对答案,并纠错 1. Kangkang's parents are busy most of the time. 2. Kangkang lives with his grandparents. 3. Kangkang and his sister set the table. 4. Kangkang's grandparents cook the dinner. 5. Kangkang and his father clean up after dinner. T F T F F doesn’t live Kangkang’s grandparents parents Activity 3 Read the second paragraph(第二段)with your deskmate and complete(完成) the thinking map. 2分钟 They all do something for dinner. Kangkang's parents _____ Kangkang _____ Kangkang's sister and his grandparents _____. set the table cook the food cleans up with his father [‘s mθ ] pron. 某事;某物 My name is Kangkang. My mother is a teacher, and my father is a doctor. They are very busy most of the time. But after work, we do many things together. My grandparents don't live with us. We often visit them on weekends and have dinner together. We all do something for dinner. My parents cook the food. My sister helps our grandparents set the table and I clean up with my father after dinner. I love my family, and I enjoy my family time. Activity 4 Find out the main idea for each paragraph. Paragraph 1—Introduce(介绍) kangkang's family members Paragraph 2—Family activities on weekends Paragraph 3—Feelings about family Activity 4 Describe(描述)the activities and then retell(复述) the second paragraph(第二段). 小组讨论 2分钟 1、2号帮助3、4号, 整组展示 人人发言 cook the food set the table clean up 三、大组汇报、教师点拨 have dinner Activity 5 四、巩固练习、拓展提升 独立完成 3分钟 阅读理解。 阅读下面一篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 There are five people in Mingming's family. They are ... ...

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