ID: 21806447

新概念第二册Lesson 45 A clear conscience讲义

日期:2024-11-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:25次 大小:138101B 来源:二一课件通
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新概念第二册 Lesson 45 A clear conscience 单词精讲 clear (title) /kli / adj.无罪的,不亏心的 辨析:与“innocent”相比,“clear”更强调一种没有被指责、没有嫌疑的状态,而“innocent”更多地侧重于本身就是清白的、无辜的这一内在性质。 He was clear of the charge.(他没有受到指控。) “innocent”则可以说“He is an innocent man.(他是个无辜的人。)” 搭配:“be clear of”,表示“没有,摆脱(不好的事物,如嫌疑、罪责等)”。 He is clear of all debts.(他没有任何债务了,这里引申为在债务方面是‘无罪的’) keep one's name clear(保持名声清白) He always tries to keep his name clear in the business world. (他总是试图在商界保持自己的名声清白。) savings (1.3)/'seivi z/ n.存款 辨析:与“saving”(单数形式)相比,“savings”更强调储蓄的总额或储蓄的行为。例如:Saving money is a good habit.(省钱是个好习惯。)这里的“saving”指的是省钱的行为;而“I used my savings to buy a new car.”(我用我的存款买了一辆新车。)中的“savings”指的是存款的总额。 搭配:savings account(储蓄账户) She opened a savings account to save for her college education. (她开了一个储蓄账户为上大学存钱。) savings bank(储蓄银行) Many people prefer to deposit their savings in a savings bank. (许多人喜欢把存款存在储蓄银行。) savings rate(储蓄率) The savings rate in this country has been increasing steadily. (这个国家的储蓄率一直在稳步上升。) conscience (title)/'k n ns/ n.良心,道德心 引申:在一些语境下,“conscience”可以表示“良知”,强调一种超越法律和社会规范的内在道德认知。例如:She followed her conscience and helped the poor man.(她遵循自己的良知帮助了那个穷人。) 搭配:have a clear conscience(问心无愧) He can sleep well at night because he has a clear conscience. (他晚上能睡得很好,因为他问心无愧。) a guilty conscience(内疚,有愧于心) His guilty conscience made him confess his crime. (他的内疚使他承认了自己的罪行。) on one's conscience(使某人良心不安) The thought of lying to her mother was on her conscience. (对母亲说谎的想法使她良心不安。) villager (1.4)/'vilid / n.村民 词源:villager”源自“village”这个单词,“village”来自古法语“village”,而其最初又来源于拉丁语“villa”,意为“乡村住宅”或“农场”。因此,“villager”的词源可以追溯到拉丁语,表示居住在乡村住宅或农场附近的人。 搭配:villager autonomy”(村民自治) Villager autonomy is an important part of rural development. (村民自治是农村发展的重要组成部分。) villager committee(村民委员会) The villager committee is responsible for village affairs.(村民委员会负责村务。) villager representative(村民代表) The villager representative attends the meeting on behalf of the villagers. (村民代表代表村民参加会议。) wallet (1.2)/'w lit/n.皮夹,钱夹 引申义:在现代语境下,“wallet”也可引申为“电子钱包”或“数字钱包”,指的是一种通过电子设备(如手机)进行支付和管理资金的工具。 She uses her mobile wallet to pay for online shopping. (她使用手机钱包进行网上购物支付。) 搭配:leather wallet(皮质钱包) He bought a new leather wallet.(他买了一个新的皮质钱包。) digital wallet(数字钱包) Digital wallets are becoming m ... ...

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