ID: 21808073

Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!Section B 1a—1e(课件)(共18张PPT,内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-12-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:43次 大小:11719269B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 年 级:九年级 学 科:初中英语(人教版) Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Section B 1a-1e Reminder (温馨提示) Before the class, remember to download the handout and print it out. 下载并打印学习任务单。 get your stationery and English book ready. 准备好英语书本和学习用品。 3. pause this class anytime if necessary. 如有需要,可随时按下暂停键思考。 Watch and fill litter plant save energy recycle tree can short off light walk Watch and fill litter plant save energy recycle tree can short off light walk Watch and fill litter plant save energy recycle tree can short off light walk Watch and share T: Recycling is really easy. You: I agree/disagree. I think... T: And I think it’s hard to walk. You: ... Recycling is the easiest. Trying to walk is the most difficult. 1 9 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Things Julia and Jack talk about _____ turning off the lights _____ turning off the shower _____ not using paper napkins _____ taking your own bags when shopping _____ not riding in cars _____ riding a bike _____ recycling paper Listen and check Jack Julie √ √ √ √ √ Things Julia and Jack talk about Things Julia is doing now Things Julia will do in the future Things Julia would never do _____ turning off the lights _____ turning off the shower _____ taking your own bags when shopping _____ not riding in cars _____ riding a bike Listen and check Things Julia and Jack talk about Things Julia would never do _____ turning off the lights _____ turning off the shower _____ taking your own bags when shopping _____ not riding in cars _____ riding a bike Listen and answer Julia would never turn off the shower when washing her hair because_____. Julia would never ride a bike or stop riding in cars because _____. she has /her home is far from school she lives far from school short hair 45 minutes…by bike Read and think Jack: Turn off the lights, Julia. It saves electricity. Julia: Oh, I usually do that. I was just in a hurry. Jack: I see. I’ve just read a book which gives ideas about how we can save the environment. For example, you should turn off the shower when you’re washing your hair. Julia: Oh, I would never do that. I have very short hair. It only takes a few minutes to wash. What else does it say Jack: You should take your own bags when you go shopping. Julia: Oh, that’s easy. I’ll do that from now on. What else Jack: People should stop riding in cars and start riding bikes. Julia: No way! It would take me 45 minutes to get to school by bike! Jack: But it’s good for the environment! Besides, I like riding my bike. Julia: Yes, and you also live close to school! Julia: I have very short hair. It only takes a few minutes to wash. Jack: Read and think Saving the earth begins with small things. All these small things would add up and become big things. (P100 4b) If you were Julia, would you turn off the shower even though you have short hair Tip: When giving suggestions, give reasons. Jack: But it’s g ... ...

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