ID: 21813918

人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking课件(共40张,内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-12-15 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:29次 大小:37088939B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Workbook Reading and Writing Unit3 Diverse Cultures Teaching Objectives Knowledge objective: To learn to write a web page-- use top and supporting sentences and conclusion Skill objective: To deepen students' ability to skim and read for details Emotional objective: To consolidate students' understanding of traditional Chinese cultures, appreciate and spread them. Activity 1 Predict (IW) The text might tell something about symbols of American culture. They are probably _____,_____and _____. fastfood baseball jazz Symbols of American Culture Lead-in To show some pictures about the topic. --Symbols of American culture First Reading How is the topic introduced in para.1 A.By comparison B.By listing figures C.By asking questions When you think of America, what symbols come to your mind first 1 fast food, baseball, jazz (para.2-4) 2 What symbols are mentioned many other symbols (para.5) introduction body conclusion Skim--read the web page and fill in 1. America is called the “_____ Nation”. 2. For most people, _____is “America's game". 3. _____ is often called “America's music”. Fast food baseball Jazz Activity 2 Read for structure (CW) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 A brief introduction of symbols fast-food baseball jazz More symbols and their importance Body Introduction Conclusion 3 symbols Topic sentence Supporting details Body Summary Structure Read for writing features (Para 3) In a typical year, more people attend baseball games than football and basketball games combined . And for most people , baseball is “America’s game ” in a way that football and basketball are not ... Finally , there is nothing more American than eating a hot dog while watching a baseball game on a hot summer afternoon . 1.How do the details support the topic sentence A. By making comparison B. By listing examples C. By giving definition (定义) D. By presenting numbers (Para 2) About 20% of all American meals are eaten in the car , and Americans spend about 10% of their income on fast food . (Para 2) About 20% of all American meals are eaten in the car , and Americans spend about 10% of their income on fast food . (Para 3) In a typical year, more people attend baseball games than football and basketball games combined . And for most people , baseball is “America’s game ” in a way that football and basketball are not ... Finally , there is nothing more American than eating a hot dog while watching a baseball game on a hot summer afternoon . D A (Para 2) Fast-food restaurants became popular when people began driving cars around the country . Many of the earliest fast-food restaurants were drive-ins where people ate in their cars while they were parked . However now drive-throughs have become popular because people need to keep up with the speed of modern life . 2. How do the details support the topic sentences A.By explaining what it symbolizes B.By introducing its history C.By introducing famous people D.By ... ...

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