ID: 21814716


日期:2024-11-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:1456117B 来源:二一课件通
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    高区2024-2025学年度第一学期阶段检测 二、单项选择〔每题1分,共10分) 21.This Peter's poncil case and these his books.;are B.are;are;amd 初一英语 22.There is UandEin the word'ncle" Hi,my dear friends.Nice to meet you here again.又剪了检的学月i乘的时降了,考弦 A an;R B..a!an;an 对差沉音涂前、思益趁,来!煌爱品效心!和花石己一立华! 23.- ducks can you sce in the yard 注意寧顶:1,本说通为笔武还,共10分。考试时间为0分的 -I can,see five duaks. 2,请将信息写在答愿卡上,背试站束后只交答题袋,济自己保管好试 A.How B.How old C.How many 24. is Ms Gao.Hui is first name. 一、语音专项选择〔每题1分,共20分 A.HTis:her B.Shd;her C.Her;her A.字翌与重音 25. Teng Fci and Peter play ping-pirg every week 1,下列途项中,与字母H含有相同音素的一攻是 -No,they A.Z B.C C.K A.Do:do B.Does;docsn't C.Do;don't 2.下列选项中,舍有相同管教的一项是 26. 是中华人民共和因的缩写。 B.f.h c.1,1 A.PLA B.PRC C.WHO A.uj .含有指同元音普素的一组是 27.判断划线部分的词性:Tha1cap. 及.名词 B.动词 C.形溶词 A.m,v B.n$ C.g i 28.判箭划线部分的词任;Isit坦yoro0m 4.下列近项中,与字母含有不同苦亲的一项是 生介词 B.形容问 C.副词 A.c B.g C.j 29.判断划统部分的句子成分:1iy's father li诉snni迟 5.下列选项中,与字丹M含有不同音装的一项是」 4.老语 B.谐语 C.话 AX B.I C.L. 30.判断划线部分的向子成分:y favorite color运red. 6.下列选领中,舍有不同音紫的一项是 A.主语 B谓诗 C宾语 A.BGE B.AHJ C.TUW 久.与E含有相同音禁的一项是 三、阅读理据(每题1分,共10分) A.Qg B.Ji C.Vv A 8,与ⅱ含有相同普瓷的一项是 Everyone has a family English conties the family name is the last name.Do you know how A.Hh B.Mm C.Yy Englisb people get their tamily names And what do they mean English people usually"get thein faunily uaes in 9.与Aa含有相同音兹的一项是 these ways. A.Ge B.Ce C.Kk Sorue family names come firom the places of their homes.A man lives on or neur a hill,his family numd may 10.下面贷词音节过读不正确的是 be Hill.In Englaud,people's farnily natues man be Wood or Lake because they live near the woud'or the lake.. A.hegin意 C.aboul. Sowe family names come from person's jobs.If a man is a cook,his fumily name mnay be Cook.And.mary people get their funily uames from their fathers'family names.If you bear tbe pame "Jackson",youcad know B清找出每组单词中可毅部分发音不同的一项, that he may be the son of Jack. 〔l1.A.cake C.cap 31.In the passage,English people usually haveways to get their family numes ) B.he C.these A.twro B.three C.four r )13.A.u÷ B.kite C.this 32.Aman lives uear the luke.His family namc may be )14.A.those A.Rill B.Wood C.Lake )15.A.cute 33.Jack's family name is Cook.His family name may come from the 116.A.thank B.白r C.togethe B.job C countr )17.A.Chi8 B.schcol C.much 34.A boy's faūnily name is Jacl&o如because he is 118.A teacher B.bead C.healthy A.Jsckc's father B.the grandfather of Jack C.the son of Jack 19.Ap B.wher C.bear 35.The passage mainly talks about in English countries. )20.A.pigs B.ducks C.books A.Family names B.hills and lakes C.English peo ... ...

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