ID: 21818783

Module 9 Friendship Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is. 课件(共35张ppt) 外研版八年级下册

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:32次 大小:2661927B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 9 Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is. 学习目标 重点探究 自主学习 学习导航 当堂检测 课堂总结 拓展提升 新课导入 a lonely girl I was a lonely girl ,and afraid to make friends with anyone. I always sat in silence. 新课导入 a beautiful smile She gave me a beautiful smile. 新课导入 It made me feel happy, lively and warm. It was like a hidden treasure. 学习目标 1.能熟悉并正确运用本课时的重点单词和词组:silence, pass, bright, treasure, trust, include, circle, stick, glue, suggestion, in silence, day by day 2.能熟练运用特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句描述一次自己难忘的交友经历 自主学习 New words and expressions silence pass bright treasure trust include circle in silence day by day n.寂静;无声 v.经过;通过 adj.欢快的,明亮的 n.珍宝;珍贵之物 v.信任;信赖 n.信任,信赖pron.某人;有人 adv.向四周;向各处 安静地,沉默地 一天天地;渐渐地 重点探究 When was the last time you felt sad Who did you tell that you were sad What did you do to feel better How can you make other people feel happy Pair work 1 answer the questions. Learning to learn How to read and tell stories. What happens When does the main event or story take place Where does it take place Why does she feel that way In the past At this moment In the future Who is the main character 2 Read the passage and answer the questions. A beautiful smile By Zhang Bei 1 When I was thirteen years old, a girl gave me an important gift. It was a smile. 2 It was the early autumn of my first year at a new school. No one knew me. I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone. 3 Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt even more lonely. I could not talk to anyone about my problem, and I did not want my parents to worry about me. 4 One day, my classmates were talking with their friends, but I sat in silence. At that moment, a girl entered the classroom. I did not know who she was. She passed me and then turned back. She looked at me and, without a word, smiled. 5 Suddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy, lively and warm. It was like a hidden treasure. 6 That smile changed my life. I started to talk with the other students. Day by Day, I learnt to trust people, and they included me in their circle of friends. The girl with the bright smile has become my best friend now, and we stick together like glue. 7 One day, I asked her why she smiled at me that day. She said she could not remember! 8 Now I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think you are lonely, you might always be alone. My suggestion is: smile at the world and it will smile back. Answer the questions. 1. Does the beginning of the passage surprise you Why 2. How did the writer feel in the past 3. How does the writer feel now 4. What advice does she give Yes, it does. Because I don’t think a smile can be an important gift. She felt very lonely. She feels happy. Smile at the world and ... ...

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