ID: 21819568

(教-学-评一致性)Unit 8 Section A 3a-3c 阅读课示范课课件(共29张)+分层作业+导学案 人教版九上

日期:2024-11-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:79次 大小:68518676B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A (3a-3c) 教-学-评一致性阅读课示范课 人教新目标版 九年级(上册) 1.通过观看视频和图片,能够正确地完成句子填空,能够使用 情态动词can't,must,could\might对物品的主人做出推测;通过观看视频,能够正确地回答问题,能够说出déjà vu的含义。 2. 通过观看文章图片和回答问题,能够说出图片的内容,通过Fast reading和Careful reading,能够正确地选择段意,回答问题,判断正误,完成思维导图,能够说出“既视感”这个现象以及一些已有的解释理论。能够用英语表达自己对“déjà vu”的看法和个人经历,提高口语表达能力。 Learning Objectives 3.通过思维导图复述课文,能够对文章中的观点展开讨论,并积极分享自己在生活中的“既视感”经历,激发学生对科学的探索精神。 Look and fill Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:根据图片和语境,完成句子,填写正确1个空格得1分,共4分,说出理由再得2分。加上下1页。本活动共6分。 我得( )分。 When we don't know the owner, we can guess. Because it’s much too small for him. Whose T-shirt is this It can't be _____ =It can't belong to _____ John. John’s. John’s. Whose toy trucks are these Because they both like playing with toy trucks. Tom Jack They _____ Jack’s / Tom’s. might be =They might _____ Jack’s / Tom’s. belong to Look and fill Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:根据图片和语境,完成句子,填写正确1个空格得1分,共4分,说出理由再得2分。加上上1页。本活动共12分。 我得( )分。 When we don't know the owner, we can guess. Whose CD is this Because he likes music very much. Fred It _____ Fred’s. could be =It could belong to _____. Fred It must be _____ Wang Gang’s. =It must belong to _____ Wang Gang. 王 刚 Whose notebook is this Because it has his name on it. Look and fill Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:听声音,完成句子,填写正确1个空格得1分,共8分。本活动共8分。 我得( )分。 Let's listen to some sounds.Please guess: Who is the noise-maker Could it be a cat It _____ a cat. can't be There must be_____barking. a dog It can't be _____. I'm not sure. It might/could be _____. a dog a wolf It must be_____. a wolf It must be _____. It can't be _____. I'm not sure. It might/could be _____. the wind a dog the wind Leadin Activity 3 Lead to objective 1 test it 评价标准:认真观看视频,回答问题,回答正确1个问题得1分,共3分。本活动共15分。 我得( )分。 Let’s watch a video and answer questions. 1. Have they ever met each other before No, they haven’t. 2. How did Jia Baoyu feel It seemed that they had _____ before. met 3. How to explain it We can call it as _____. déjà vu Look and say Lead to objective 1 The word déjà vu is a French term which is used widely in western countries. déjà vu (海马效应) 海马效应亦称既视感、即视现象,是人类在现实环境中(相对于梦境),突然感到自己“曾于某处亲历过某画面或者经历一些事情”的感觉。依据人们多数忆述,好像于梦境中见过某景象,但已忘了,后来在现实中遇上该景象时,便浮现出“似曾相识”的感觉。 Most people have experienced déjà vu in their lives. Why does it happen Do you want to k ... ...

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