ID: 21845195

人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Food and Culture Reading and Thinking课件(共25张,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-12-15 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:73次 大小:60319527B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Food and Culture Reading and Thinking Understand the link between food and culture Learning aims By the end of this class, you will be able: To know some basic information about San Francisco by getting the features of a travel journal. To summarize the features of this city through analyzing some facts the writer has seen in this city and the writer’s feelings. To raise awareness of cultural diversity and build confidence in our own culture. Pre-reading: Lead-in What’s the common feature in the films The Golden Gate Bridge is the most famous landmark of San Francisco. Monsters vs Aliens Bumblebee San Francisco Los Angeles Mexico Houston Washington D.C. Chicago New York Boston It lies on the West Coast of the US, in the state of California. Canada Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean port city tourist attraction What do you know about the USA Brainstorm What’s the common feature in the films The Golden Gate Bridge A suspension(悬浮) bridge serves as the symbol of SF. Monsters vs Aliens Bumblebee Warming up Enjoy a video about S. F and Chinatown Watch a video and choose the correct answers. How much do you know about Chinese cuisines Tick all the traditional Chinese cuisines. ____ Shandong cuisine ____ Xinjiang cuisine ____ Anhui cuisine ____ Jiangsu cuisine ____ Hebei cuisine ____ Zhejiang cuisine ____ Sichuan cuisine ____ Guangdong cuisine ____ Fujian cuisine ____ Hunan cuisine Let’s start our Food journey with the author Reading Scanning Read the introduction to the Chinatown quickly and get a general idea for each paragraph. Para. 1 brief introduction of Chinatown Para. 2 history of Chinatown Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Para. 6 some tourist sites stores in Chinatown food in Chinatown the importance of Chinatown This passage is a _____ about Li Lan's travel in _____. She liked the city a lot. She visited many places and experienced their _____. a travel journal San Francisco diverse cultures 1.What's the main idea of the passage Predition Who: _____ Where: visit _____ When:_____ What: Li Lan recorded _____ How the author develops the travel journal: in_____ order. Li Lan San Francisco, US Wednesday, 21 June what she saw and did and how she felt. time a travel journal Skim for basic information Fast reading(Activity 2): read for elements stylistic features of a travel journal time information on the first line(either on the left or right) usually in the past tense Written in the first person usually written in order of time complet the timeline of Li Lan’s trip para.1 Today was my first day back in San Francisco after camping in the Redwood Forest and visiting the wine country of Napa Valley. I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again. And what a city—a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906. There are so many beautiful old buildings—many sitting on top of big hills, offering great views of the city, the oce ... ...

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