ID: 21871484

Unit 4 Kitchen Knives Focus on learning 教学设计——《西餐英语》(中国人民大学出版社)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:65次 大小:357242B 来源:二一课件通
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    课程名称 西餐英语 授课专业 西餐烹饪专业 授课班级 课题名称 Unit 4 Kitchen Knives 授课课型 专业课 授课教师 授课学时 1 授课地点 授课日期 教学内容分析 《Kitchen Knives》是《西餐英语》教材中的第四单元,在本单元中,我们将学习西餐厨房中的常用刀具的名称、用途、使用注意事项及相关安全知识等。依据西餐英语专业课程标准和课程任务,本单元共有3个模块,分别是Lead in(导入), Focus on learning(聚焦学习)和 Give if off(知识拓展),授课学时5节。 本课是第四单元的第一课时,主要是让学生了解并掌握西餐厨房刀具的单词和词组,可将授课内容与专业实训课教学紧密结合,这样容易激发学生学习的积极性并进行主动学习。 教学目标 知识目标 1. Learn and get familiar with the words of kitchen knives, such as paring knife, spatula, oyster knife, chopping knife. 2. Learn and read the dialogue about kitchen knives fluently. 能力目标 1. Recognize and speak out the usages of different kitchen knives, such as: chef ’s knife, cheese knife, salmon knife, boning knife. 2. Imitate and speak out the key sentences, such as: --Can you hand me a paring knife/ cheese knife --Sure. Here you are./Sorry, I don’t have one. 素养目标 Students feel confident with experience the happiness while communicating or working with others. 教学重点 Speak out the words and phrases of kitchen knives, such as: chef ’s knife, cheese knife, salmon knife, boning knife., etc. 教学难点 Use the new words and functional sentences correctly and freely, such as: Can you hand me a chef ’s knife, cheese knife 教学方法 3P Teaching Method Situational Method 教学手段 Multimedia 教学环境 ○文本素材 ●实物展示 ●PPT幻灯片 ○音频素材 ●视频素材 ○动画素材 ●图形/图像素材 ●网络资源 ○其他 教学设计 Step 1 Lead in ( 5’) Activity 1 Read the learning goal 1. Invite the students to read the learning goal. 2. Brian-storming the kitchen knives that the students have ever used. Activity 2 A Competition 1. The students are divided into 4 groups and discuss the English names of different kinds of knives. 2. The students write the English word on the blackboard one by one. 3. The teacher comments and mark each group. 设计目的:Help students review different kinds of knives they have learned and arose the student’s interest to learn more in this lesson. Step 2 Presentation (20’) Activity 1 Look and match. Show Ss the pictures of kitchen knives and ask the questions: 1. Have you ever used these kitchen knives What do you call them in Chinese 水果刀、刮铲、牡蛎刀、砍刀 2. Do you know how to their English name Please match them with correct picture. They are paring knife, spatula, oyster knife, chopping knife. 3. The students discuss in groups: What are these knives used for 设计目的:To active students' thinking and develop divergent thinking ability. Activity 2 Fill in the blanks 1. Students discuss and fill the blanks in pairs. _____ is used to mix, lift and spread materials. _____ is a knife for chopping or mincing meat, vegetables, etc. We use an _____ to open oysters. We cut and peel fruits with a _____ 2. Invite some students to translate ... ...

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