Learn 150 Irregular Verbs by Singing 10 Songs 唱10首歌记150不规则动词 Written by Tim Contents 1 Split You Apart -- 3 2 A Dream Castle -- 13 3 A Creepy Graveyard -- 22 4 Mentally Ill -- -- 30 5 Love Story -- 40 6 Magic Beans -- 47 7 The Last Man on Earth -- 57 8 Parents -- 64 9 Dancing in the Breeze -- 72 10 You Reap What You Sow -- 79 1 Split You Apart 撕裂你 bet bet bet I bet I will beat you. / 打赌 我打赌我会打败你。 May all your dreams come true. / 祝愿你所有的梦想变为现实。 let let let Just let it be. Let’s go. / 让 顺其自然吧。我们走。 Don’t wanna be late for the show. / 不想参加那场秀迟到。 cut cut cut I will cut your hair / 剪切 我会跟你理发 once you sit down in my chair. / 一旦你坐在我的椅子上。 shut shut shut Shut the door. / 关闭 关上那扇门。 I don’t wanna see it anymore. / 我不想再看见它。 hurt hurt hurt Don’t get hurt / 受伤 不要受伤了, when you wear a lovely skirt. / 当你穿着一条可爱的连衣裙时。 hit hit hit It hit me on the head. / 击打 它击中了我的头部。 To my surprise I’m still not dead. / 令我吃惊的是,我还没死。 quit quit quit Please quit eating. / 放弃 请放弃贪吃 To be honest , I’m just kidding. / 老实说,我只是开个玩笑而已。 spit spit spit I’ll split you apart / 吐口水 我会把你撕裂 if you spit on my green guitar. / 如果你吐口水在我的绿吉他上。 split split split I’ll split you apart / 分裂 我会把你撕裂 if you spit on my green guitar. / 如果你吐口水在我的绿吉他上。 read read read Read a lot of books. / 阅读 阅读大量的书籍。 Cookbooks are written by cooks. / 烹饪书是厨师写的。 set set set Help me set a table / 设置 帮我摆放一张桌子 before I share with you a fable. / 然后我分享给你一个寓言故事。 shed shed shed Don’t shed tears / 脱落 别流泪 until you finally hear many cheers / 直到你最终听到很多欢呼。 spread spread spread Bad news / 扩散 坏消息 spreads faster than good views. / 传播得比好观点更快。 put put put Put away your toys / 放 放好你的玩具 before you meet those nice boys. / 然后才去和那些好男孩碰面。 cast cast cast She cast a line / 抛投 她抛了一根鱼线 into the river where she dined. / 进入河里,并且在这里吃晚饭。 cost cost cost The fruits cost me / 花费 这些水果花了我 a lot of money. Don’t you agree / 很多钱。难道你不认同吗? bet – bet – bet /bet/ 打赌 I bet the horse will win. 我打赌那匹马会赢。 let – let – let /let/ 让 Let’s go camping. (让)我们去露营吧! cut – cut – cut /k t/ 剪切 Tim is afraid of getting his hair cut. Tim害怕他的头发被人剪。 shut – shut – shut / t/ 关闭 Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut. 有些时候最好闭嘴。 3 hurt – hurt – hurt /h t/(使)受伤 Whenever I get hurt, I turn to my dad for help. 每当我受伤时,我就向我爸爸求助。 hit – hit – hit /h t/ 击打 Tim doesn’t speak much, but when he does, he always hits the nail on the head. Tim话不多,但当他说话时, 他总是一针见血。 quit – quit – quit /kw t/ 放弃 Quit smoking. Life is beautiful. 戒烟吧。生活很美好。 spit – spit – spit /sp t/ 吐(口水等) No spitting is allowed in this area. 此处禁止吐痰。 split – split – s ... ...
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