ID: 21896894

Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 Section D 课件(23张PPT) 仁爱科普版八年级英语上册

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:11次 大小:2573157B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Animals in Danger Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 What's the strongest animal on the farm Section D Animals in Danger What aspects are mentioned in the passage panda blue whale Chinese tiger Animals in Danger Why are they in danger Pandas have less and less land to live on. So they are becoming fewer in number. Many people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat. People kill tigers for their fur and bones. scan the passage and find out from what aspects the writer descripe these animals. panda blue whale Chinese tiger Scanning. pandas blue whales Chinese tigers their food their home bamboo the smallest sea animals small animals Southwest China the ocean the south of China the largest and heaviest the oldest type /b m'bu:/ /' n/ feature Pandas have less and less land to live on. Some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat. Some people kill tigers for their fur and bones. humans Pandas have less and less land to live on. Some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat. Some people kill tigers for their fur and bones. Protect forests and increase the area of them. Keep ocean clean and reduce hunting. Return their home and stop hunting. 以...为食 越来越少 数量上 处于危险中 一些人们,另一些 因..而杀害 在中国的南部 最古老的的类型 feed on less and less/fewer and fewer be in danger some people..others kill .....for in the south of China the oldest type Functions People can enjoy the _____ of nature there. _____ do you like _____ , plants or animals I like animals _____. _____ do you think so Because animals are our friends. They _____ us happy. We _____ the same world _____ them. beauties Which better better Why___ make share with The air is _____, the sky is _____ and the rivers are _____ there. I think the countryside is _____ the city, too. I think the sheep are the _____ of all. The pigs must be the _____ and _____ animals on the farm. What’s the strongest animals on the farm But now, rainforests are becoming _____ . Grammar Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives (Ⅰ) fresher bluer clearer quieter than nicest fattest laziest smaller and smaller 思考,考虑 _____ 认为、想出 _____ 与某人分享某物_____ 对某人重要 _____ 为某人提供某物 _____ =_____ 成千上万的_____让某人/某物一直做某事 _____ 在……中扮演重要的角色 _____ 灭绝 _____ 越来越少 _____在数量上_____ 保护某人免受……的伤害 _____ 处于危险之中_____ 处于麻烦之中_____ (动物)以……为食_____被...覆盖_____ think about think of share sth. with sb. provide sth. for sb. be important to sb provide sb. with sth. thousands of keep sb/sth doing sth play an important role/part in doing sth die out feed on in number protect sb from sth in danger in trouble less and less be covered with Adjective Comparative Superlative good/well bad/ill many/much little far better best worse worst more most less least farther/further farthest/furthest 重点语法 形容词的比较 ... ...

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