ID: 21899338

Unit2 Transportation:Listening and speaking 教学设计(表格式)——2024-2025学年 中职《英语》(高教版)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:64次 大小:25310B 来源:二一课件通
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课 题 Unit2 Transportation(高教版) 课 型 Listening and speaking 课 时 1 授课班级 授课时间 授课老师 教材分析 本单元的听说部分主要是问路,掌握常用的地名和方向等词汇,内容方面比较新颖,紧跟时代,有一定难度,需要学生掌握的知识比较灵活。 学情分析 本单元的听说部分需要学生主动运用所学词汇句型操练,对于基础较差的学生有一定难度,中职学生理解课文和生词的能力相对较差,老师需要减慢速度,留更多的时间让学生多消化。 授课时间 40mins 学习目标 Knowledge objectives: (1)To learn all the new words. (2)To know different directions: go along,turn around,go straight... (3)To learn sentences: How can I get to... /Can you tell me the way to... Ability objectives: To be able to identify information about transportation. (2)To know how to ask for and give directions. Emotional objectives: To learn more about green transportation and the importance of protecting the environment. 学习重难点 To identify information about transportation. To ask for and give directions. To recommend proper transportation plans for others. 教学方法 任务型教学法,情景教学法 教学谋体 课件,视频,图片 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动设计 学生活动设计 设计意图 活动一: New words learning Teach students new words one by one and help them know the pronunciation of every word. Students will learn new words by means of pictures and examples. To learn new words of the unit and lay a vocabulary foundation for the following learning. 活动二: Lead in Show students some traffic signs. T:Do you know what do these traffic signs mean Answer teacher’s question and think about the meanings of these traffic signs. To lead to the topic about traffic. 活动三: Know about traffic Teach students the names of some places and directions. Learn the names of different places and directions. Help students get familiar with different names of places and directions. 活动四: Think and match Ask students to match the words with correct objects. Match words with correct objects. To know more about transportation information. 活动五: Think and act Ask students to use different transportation phrases to show the right directions. Use transportation phrases to have a simple conversation with partners. To train students’ oral English. 活动六: Pre-listening Ask students a question “Do you know how to ask for directions ” Think about the answer. To lead to the direction topic of the listening activities. 活动七: While-listening Ask students to tick the right answers. Ask students to judge whether the sentences are right or wrong. Ask students to fill in blanks. Tick the right answers. Judge T or F. Complete the blanks. To train students’ listening ability of get the main idea and details of a passage. 活动八: Post-listening (1)Let students learn a similar passage with the listening part and analyze the important points of it. Learn the important points of the passage and take notes. To train students’ ability of understanding a passage (2)Let students imitate activity8 to make up a dialogue and then practice with partners. Imita ... ...

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