ID: 21904837

Module 6 Animals in danger. Unit 1课件+教学设计-外研八上

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:22次 大小:94614105B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 6 Animals in Danger Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them. Animal World a TV program to show how the animals live Animal World I am the tiger’s cousin. I am big and I have a very long nose. lion giraffe elephant The lion needs to eat enough meat to keep strong. The elephant is friendly and live in peace with people. snake giraffe bear I am long and thin. I am brown and I live in the forest. The snake is dangerous,too. Some snakes allow people to touch them. The bear can climb trees and swim. It likes eating honey. It likes living in the wild. I am tall and have a long neck. giraffe In order to eat leaves from the tall tree, the giraffe grows a very long neck. giraffe It's my favorite animal. I am interested in it most. I am black and white and I love bamboos. panda 1. What is this week’s Animal World about 2. What animals are in danger Listen 1. What is this week’s Animal World about 2. What animals are in danger It’s about snakes. Listen If you are interested in animals, you can watch the Animal World to find out more about animals. Video 1.Where were Lingling and Betty A. They were going to the zoo. B. They were leaving the zoo. 2.What are they talking about? A. They are talking about the zoo. B. They are talking about the panda. C. They are talking about the animals in danger and how to protect them . B Listen B Listen again and answer. 1. Why is Betty more interested to see the pandas in Wolong Panda Reserve 2. What does Lingling feel when thinking of animals in danger Read Why is Betty more interested to see the pandas in Wolong Panda Reserve In the Wolong Panda Reserve, pandas have a safe place _____ to live Read What does Lingling feel when thinking of animals in danger A. 认为 B.想到 √ It is to kill animals to _____ _____ _____ make clothes, get meat, make medicine, make money. wrong Read Why are many animals in danger People take away their land and forests. Villages and farms are growing bigger. A. 生长 B.变得 √ Wild animals don’t have a safe place _____. to live Read Why are many animals in danger Wild animals don’t have enough clean water _____. to drink Wild animals don’t have enough food _____. to eat Read What does the notice say Your money pays _____ the animals. Help! We want to save animals in danger, and we need your help. to look after May be we can raise money at school to _____. protect the animals Why animals are in danger What should we do to protect them no safe place to live no enough clean water raise money find out what else we can do Summary No Sale No Killing Talk with your group members to find out other ways to save as many animals as possible. protect their living places stop the killing build some reserves keep the water clean help the animals live in peace… protect our enviroment Report Time Hello, everyone. In our group, We think we can... to help... To help ..., we can ... We need to... to protect.... To protect..., we n ... ...

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