课件网) Continuation writing 微写作系列讲座五 运用修辞手法,为续写添色加彩 赏析-文学作品中的修辞 识别-常见三种修辞特征 升华-修辞让句子“活”起来 实操-修辞微写作助力高考续写 乐学 会学 善学 志学 读中学 问中学 动中学 练中学 目 的 学习方法和步骤 “You are a ray of sunshine, a drop of dew,a birdsong, whilst I am something terrible,neither human nor beast.” ——— The Hunchback of Notre -Dame Money is a good servant but an evil master.———The Lady of the Camellias 金钱是好仆人,坏主人。 Metaphor Lead in and appreciation Simile Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》 Why do we use figures of speech in writing 运用修辞手法,为续写添色加彩 在读后续写实践中,适当运用一些修辞手法,可以化平淡为新奇,化呆板为鲜活,化枯燥为生动,化冗繁为洗练,激发联想,唤起美感,增强表现力、说服力和感染力,做到语言形式与表现内容完美和谐的统一。 Major figures of speech: Personification: a figure that endows(赋予) objects, animals, ideas, or abstractions with human form, character or sensibility. Simile: a comparison of two different things through the use of the connecting words “like,as...as,as if/though...”. Metaphor: The comparison of one thing to another that does not use the terms “like or as”. Hyperbole: the use of exaggerated terms of the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect. D.拟人 C.明喻 A.暗喻 B.夸张 Step 2. Identification Choose: A.暗喻 B. 夸张 C. 明喻 D. 拟人 [Practice] Check your answers What kind of figure of speech is used in each sentence. 1. He looks like a fish out of water. 2. Thanks a million for returning my wallet. 3. Stars winked at me in a darkening sky. 4. Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride. 5. I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness. Simile 明喻 Metaphor 暗喻 Hyperbole 夸张 Personification 拟人 Simile 明喻 The surface of the lake is very calm. 句型:本体(主语)+谓语+介词like+喻体 The surface of the lake shines like a mirror. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 平静的湖面 方法1:用like作喻词 1. Simile Step 3. Sublimation 1. The girl looks like an otter. More example 句型:本体(主语)+谓语+介词like+喻体 (肖像描写) otter Can you describe the appearance of the girl The girl is ugly like an otter. 方法 2:用as..as作喻词 1. The boy is as thin as a _____,while the man is a mountain. (人物描写) The bus went as slowly as a ___. snail 2. 公交车走得太慢了。 rail/ rake More idiomatic simile : (Check your answers ) The bus went at a snail’s pace. Idiomatic Simile ● as proud as a as busy as a as slow as a as timid as a as fierce as a as graceful as a as stubborn as a as ugly as a as greedy as a as playful as a peacock bee snail rabbit/hare tiger swan mule toad pig kitten Check your answers 方法3:用as if作喻词 1.His hair grew grayer and grayer, _____ as if it were covered with snow and frost. 2. When she kissed him on the cheek, it seemed _____ as if he were on top of the world. (肖像描写) (情感描写) 方法4:用句型 A is to B what C is to D ("A之于B如同C之于D") Reading is to the mind what food is to the bo ... ...