ID: 21918972

Unit9 SectionB 写作课件+内嵌音视频(人教九年级Unit9 I like music that I can dance to.)

日期:2024-12-15 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:49次 大小:26733012B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B Revision & Writing Let's Aim 1. 复习用定语从句表达句子; 2. 能够用英语表达对音乐的喜好; 3. 能用所学知识写作喜欢的音乐的文章; 4. 从音乐中学习保持一种乐观积极的生活态度。 pop music rock music classical music dance music folk music country music Lead in 起立抢答:听音乐说出音乐类型 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Let's learn 谈谈你对这些音乐的想法 I (don't) like ... Because I (don't) like music that/which ... I (don't) like ... Because I (don't) like music that/which ... 谈谈你对这些音乐的想法 light music I (don't) like ... Because I (don't) like music that/which ... 谈谈你对这些音乐的想法 pop music 谈谈你对这些音乐的想法 I (don't) like ... Because I (don't) like music that/which ... rock music 谈谈你对这些音乐的想法 I (don't) like ... Because I (don't) like music that/which ... country music 谈谈你对这些音乐的想法 I (don't) like ... Because I (don't) like music that/which ... dance music 谈谈你对这些音乐的想法 I (don't) like ... Because I (don't) like music that/which ... folk music Let's show 两人一组询问各自喜欢的音乐类型及喜欢的原因 A: What kind of music do you like B: I like ... A: Why do you like it B: Because I like music that ... A: What about you B: l like ... Because I like music that ... What kind of music do I like Let's learn My favorite kind of music is .Because I like music that is .Also, I prefer music that . My favorite song is . Becase it . And it It was by Zhou Jielun. When I listen to it, I feel I think you should listen to it too because . pop music smooth I can sing along with Daoxiang has great lyrics encourages people to be brave and active. written happy and relaxed. it can help us to try our best to face difficulties in our life We should listen to something good and be positive(积极乐观)! Group work: 小组讨论,完成填空。 My Favorite Music Group work: 小组讨论如何 写作文章 “My Favorite Music” My favorite kind of music is ... Because I like music that ... Also, I like music that ... My favorite song is ... Because it ... It was written by ... When I listen to it, I feel ... I think you should listen to it because .... Let's show 1. 独立完成; 2. 全班展示 要求: 1.不少于70词; 2.包括所有提示句子; 3.避免错误; 4.注意书写 Let's show Let's Summarize 1. 复习用定语从句表达句子; 2. 能够用英语表达对音乐的喜好; 3. 能用所学知识写作喜欢的音乐的文章; Let's check Self check 1.选词填空 Let's check Self check 2.用who, that或which 填空 A: Hi, Cindy! Would you like to see Sky High in 2050 this weekend B: Hmm…no, I don’t think movies _____ try to describe the future are very interesting. Could we see City Danger instead A: You mean, the new police story _____ was filmed in five countries B: Yes, that’s the one. The actor _____ plays the hero used to be a schoolteacher! A: OK, sure. It sounds like something _____ we both will enjoy! that/which that/which that/who that/which 1. I don’t like music _____. 2. I enjoy spending time in place ... ...

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