ID: 21935322

Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?大单元教学整体教学设计课件(共25张PPT) 人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:14次 大小:755877B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 大单元教学整体教学设计 一、单元话题及主题 话题: 主题: 主题意义: TV shows How to talk about preferences and make plans Learn how to express your own feelings about different preferences ,understand the differences between American culture and Chinese culture. 单元主题内容关联图 二、单元整体目标 及课时目标 单元整体目标: 本单元围绕“电视节目”这一主题开展听、说、读、写等学习活动。目的是让学生学会表达自己的看法,并能够灵活运用表达看法的语句。 另外还从学生日常的喜好导入,谈论喜欢和不喜欢的事物。围绕“学生在日常生活中,对于电视节目的看法、偏好和制定计划”在活动中,学生能用主题语言知识以口头或书面形式讲述自己日常生活中或者自己喜欢的国内电视节目并学会阐述自己的观点; 突出对学生情感的教育和培养。 通过补充与本单元主题有关的课外阅读资料,拓展学生的认知视野并加深学生的情感体验。 课时教学目标: 第一课时 从学生现实生活切入,引导学生说出自己对电视节目的喜好,并通过听力练习了解各种电视节目的名称接着通过对话的形式谈论学生们对各类电视节目的喜恶。 课时教学目标: 第二课时 主要通过对话的形式练习表达对节目看法的询问,总结归钠各种回答形式,并巩固练习特殊疑问句的提问及回答。 课时教学目标: 第三课时 列举了几种电影、电视节目的形式和各种形容词,目的是让学生学会怎样去表达对某电视节目的评价。并通过听力练习加强现固。 课时教学目标: 第四课时 通过学习米老鼠的故事,让学生深切体会到作为一种电影形式的卡通片,并告诉大家:卡通是美国的一种文化形式。 课时教学目标: 第五课时 针对各类电视节目和电影进行小调查,旨在让学生反省自已的喜好,改掉不好的观看习惯,养成健康的观影习惯。 Period 1 Talk about what TV shows people like. Listen & Speak (Section A 1a-2d ) I. What TV shows do people like Step1. Look at the pictures and match the TV shows with the pictures . show____ 2. soap opera ____ 3. sports show ____ 4. sitcom _____ 5. game show _____ 6. talent show_____ 7. news _____ Step2. Listen and number the shows [1-4] in the order you hear them. ____talent show ____talk show ____soccer game ____ news Step3.Talk about what TV shows people want to watch . A: What do you want to watch B: What do you think of talk shows A: They’re OK. I don’t mind them. B: Then let’s watch a talk show. II. What kind of TV shows do they like Step4. Look at the picture and guess what TV show they are watching. Step5. Listen and number the pictures(1-5) in the order you hear them. _____ sitcoms _____ news _____ game shows _____ talk shows _____ soap opera Step6. Listen again and fill in the blanks in the sentences. Step7. Ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a. 1. Sally likes to watch _____. 2. Lin Hui thinks she can learn _____ from sitcoms. 3. Sally thinks _____ are more educational than sitcoms. Sally loves _____. She plans to watch Days of Our Past _____. III. What did Grace and Sarah talk about Step8.Read the conversation and answer the questions: ① What are Grace and Sarah talking about _____ ② What kind of TV shows do Sarah’s classmates like _____ ③ What does Grace think of game s ... ...

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