ID: 21935380

Unit 6 Useful numbers Part B(Period 2)(教学设计)-2024-2025学年人教PEP版(2024)英语三年级上册

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:35次 大小:20964B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Useful numbers (Period 2) Part A Let’s learn & Listen and chant 1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:one、two、three、four、five; 2.能根据实际情况用所学的数字单词进行回答; 3.能听懂“Jump … Jump up high!”并做出正确反应。 1.能够听懂、会说、认读单词:one、two、three、four、five; 2.能够在真实的情景中正确使用数字1~5回答物品的数量。 1.能够建立数字1~5的音、形、义之间的联系,正确运用这些单词回答物品的数量; 2.能够理解并掌握jump、jump up high的含义及发音,能熟练唱出歌谣并做出动作。、two、three、four、five 的单词卡片; 2.课件、教材音频、教材视频。 Step 1 Lead-in 创设Sarah去陈杰家做客的情景,为下面学习内容的展开作好准备。 T: Look! Sarah goes to Chen Jie’s home! She gives many gifts to Chen Jie. Let’s go and see how many gifts there are. Are you ready Ss: Yes. T: OK. Here we go. Step 2 Presentation 围绕陈杰收到的礼物,展开对本节课核心词语的学习。 1.Look and learn 教师通过问答“How many … ”让学生学习数字单词1~5。教师出示单词在四线三格中的书写,指导学生规范书写单词。 T: Look! So many gifts for Chen Jie. How many Let’s see together. Ss: OK. T: How many apples Look and answer. Ss: One. T: Yes, one apple. Show me your finger. Let’s spell it together: o-n-e, one. 使用同样的方式讲解其他四个数字,并在对话中操练新词。 2.Look and say 通过看一看、说一说的活动从音、形、义不同角度及时巩固数字1~5。 T: Let’s play a game. Say the numbers you see quickly. Ss: OK. T: Help them say: Hello, I’m _____. I have _____ cake(s). S1: Hello, I’m one. I have one cake. S2: Hello, I’m two. I have two cakes. … Step 3 Practice 创设Sarah和陈杰去花园玩耍的情景,让学生尽量在真实的语境中去理解、运用语言,最终达到习得语言的目的。 1.Let’s play hide-and-seek 在捉迷藏的情景中通过看、听、数一数等活动帮助学生学习数字1~5,符合三年级学生在玩中学的认知特点。 T: Look, the children play games, too. They are our friends. Let’s play with them. Ss: OK. T: Listen! What does Chen Jie say Ss: One, two, three, four, five. T: Yes, you’re right. Let’s count together. Ss: One, two, three, four, five. 2.Listen and imitate 播放Let’s learn部分的音频,学生听音跟读,注意语音语调的模仿,培养学生的语感。 3.Let’s jump T: Let’s play another game with them. Look! They can jump. I can jump, too. Can you jump Ss: Sure. T: OK. Then let’s jump together. Ss: OK. 教师通过肢体语言帮助学生理解jump、jump up high的含义,并通过跳一跳的动作帮助学生体会jump、jump up high的含义。 4.Let’s chant 通过唱一唱、跳一跳,让孩子们在轻松愉悦的歌谣中感知数字1~5,寓教于乐。 T: OK. Now let’s jump and chant together. Are you ready Ss: Yes. Step 4 Consolidation 1.Look and say T: Say the number you see quickly, please. Let’s have a try. OK Ss: OK. S1: I see one. S2: I see two. … 2.Ask and count T: A beautiful forest park. How many animals do you see And what are they Ask and answer in pairs, please. S1: How many animals do you see S2: I see five. S1: What are they S2: I see elephant, fox ... Step 5 Summary 教师带领学生一起回顾本节课五个数字单词:one、two、three、four、five,说一说生活中出现的数字词语 ... ...

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